
Bamidbar 02:02 – The Jewish camp; the Flags had symbols on them ‘BiOsos’. What were these symbols? (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Bamidbar 02-02 – The Jewish camp; the Flags had symbols on them ‘BiOsos, what were these symbols? (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).The Jewish camp was divided up into four subcamps, or ‘flags’. Each flag had a symbol (or symbolism):1) RaShI A: a color, like the color on the stone of the Choshen of the Shevet that…

Bichukosai 26:14-15- (1) 16- (2) 18- (3) 21- (4) 23- 24- (5) 27- 28; the Sequences of 7 in the Kalalos (curses) (Achei Temimim 5782/2022)

Bichukosai 26- 14- 15- (1) 16- (2) 18- (3) 21- (4) 23- 24- (5) 27- 28; the sequences of 7 in the Kalalos (curses).This class explores the difference between the klalos in our Parsha and in Parshas Tavo.Here there are 49 and there there’s 98.Here there’s a pattern five times over.RaShI lists ‘the seven sins’;…

BeHar 25:42, 25:55 – Avadai Haim (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

BeHar 25- 42; 55 Avadai Haim (Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).Explaining why it is brought up twice in this Parsha, to explain why the Eved Ivri goes out by Yovel; we belong to Him First שטרי קודם.The Sforno explains that it is being said to the Yid who sold himself, he is given freedom not because…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p 193 ff (Teshuva Kapara) Vidui (02)

Likutei Sichos vol.17 page 193 ff. (Teshuva Kapara) Vidui, Class Two.This second class on this Sicha deals with Vidui (confession): as there are two levels of Teshuva; there are two levels in Vidui.We discussed the question of what is the Mitzvah of Teshuva is it the Teshuva or the Vidui or both.

Kedoshim 19:16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)

Kedoshim 19-16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).This class deals with Rechilus and Lashon HaRa.There are many sources cited:1) Toras Kohanim In judgement: don’t be hard to one and soft to another; after the verdict don’t disclose that you were more lenient. 2) Gemara Pesachim Don’t testify as a single witness. That accomplishes nothing…

Acharei Mos 16:08 – The Azazel (5782/ 2022) Achei Temimim

16-08 The Azazel (5782/ 2022) Achei Temimim. This class reviews the basic ideas of Azazel and then adds the Chassidus, based on Ma’amar שבת שבתון התרס”ב (which was issued for the first time for this Pesach).Explaining that the pacification of Klipa is deal with the inexactitude in Kedusha, allowing it to achieve עונג העצמי.