
19b. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh (ויהיו בני ישראל במדבר) 5713 – Class Two

19b. Vayihyu Bnei Yisroel BaMidbar Vyimtzeu Ish Mekoshesh 5713, Class Two.The idea of Avoda which is limited, because the person isn’t giving himself away (to Hashem) completely, is now applied to the ten S’firos.The Rebbe argues that Malchus and Z”A, and Bina, and (even higher) Chitzoniyus HaKesser are Godly but limited in the kind of…

Ki Tisa 34:06 – The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (03)(Chassidus)

Part Three.This is the third class in the three part series on the 13 Attributes of Mercy. This class covers the Chassidic interpretations.

Vayikra 01:01 – First Possuk (5667)

First Possuk Series – Korbanos

Bo 12:02 – First Mitzva: Kiddush Hachodesh (01)

12-02. First Mitzva, Kiddush Hachodesh. This Mitzva is given to Beis Din alone. They must determine the months and the years, deciding when and how to add a leap year. The class (which is divided in two because of its length), deals with opinions about this mitzva. There is a surprising Rabbeinu Chananel, and the…

Pekudei 38:28 – 1775 Remaining Shekalim of Silver (5768)(01)

This Possuk was interpreted by the Alter Rebbe as a “Ketz” (date for Moshiach’s coming.) This class explores this and much more. Class One. Class Two.

VaYechi 48:22 – VaAni Nasati (2)

Yaakov gave Sh’chem to Yosef. What this means practically and mystically.

Shmos 04:13 – “Shlach Na byad Tishlach” (5768)(01)

“Shlach Na byad Tishlach”. Moshe proposes that Hashem send somebody else. What’s the depth of this request, was it granted and how?

VaYechi 48:22 – VaAni Nasati (01)

Yaakov gave Sh’chem to Yosef. What this means practically and mystically.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p 057 ff – Shabbos is about Ishapcha

Likutei Sichos – Vol 17 p. 57 ff.Shabbos is about Ishapcha, transformation. The idea of time being a creation and the transformation on time to above time each Shabbos.Why Shabbos HaGadol is ON Shabbos and is CALLED Shabbos.It is the highest idea of אתהפכא Ishapcha, darkness is transformed to light while still dark, because only…