
Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 44

Page 47-8. Abstract ideas and learning create great delight, but it is completely removed from the emotions in the heart. Only revealing the Joy demonstratively can move and inspire the heart.

MM 5657 Samach Tisamach – Class 29

Page 32-4. Koach HaNe’elam, Hiyuli, Hamshacha. This level has general leaning but is still not completely limited.

אתה אחד ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. There are four levels (like Hishtalshelus) and in each one there are three, like חג”ת. And above that is the plain essence of Godliness. מנוחה שלימה וכו. Every Jew is connected to all the levels of Hishtalshelus (like the ladder which is Tefilla) and also to the Yechida. Class Two. This Ma’amar and…

HoRaisa Derech Teshuva…

(From the Slichus) of Tzom Gedalia. Horaisa Derech Teshuva Livas Hashoveiva. The poem included in the Tzom Gedalia Slichus (as is the case with much of this Slichus) is more about Aseres Yemei Teshuva than about Gedalia.


The prayer in the Rosh Hashana davening that describes Hashem’s judgment most graphically. A commentary.


An attempt to get at the depth of this most powerful prayer.

12. Mitchila Ovdei Avoda Zara… (5771).

Why must we mention such ancient “Gnai” (shame) at the seder? Many different explanation open up the meaning of this paragraph. Don’t miss the kabbala/Chassidus of this piska (paragraph) that explains the removal of the righteous from the world, (that caused all the trouble in the first place) that Avrohom repaired. This class includes Raavan,…