
Monday 24 Shvat 5773, February 4 2013.

Kadish (2). Kadish: the text is read inside. This class is based on the premise that there are two halves to the Kadish: 1) Until the end of ‘Yehai Shami Raba… Ulmaya’,(not including Yisborech) and 2) from ‘Yisborech…’ until the end. The first half is for the world He created ‘KiRusei’, (as He willed), the…

Monday 17 Shvat 5773, January 28 2013.

Kadish (One). Kadish, A consolation for God, in Aramaic, for the halving of His name and throne. The Kaddish is in Aramaic for two opposite reasons: 1) simple folk spoke that language, 2) and to hide from Angels. These two extremes represent what Kadish is, it is for healing and it reaches higher than hishtalshelus….

13a Mi Chamocha (in Az Yashir).

Mi Chamocha is about Hashem’s influence on the world, that travels from ‘heaven to earth’ through various levels of angels. The challenge is not to see the Angels but Hashem that is made available through their being intermediates, but mustn’t be blocked out because of this. In Davening we say it twice (once in Psukei…

11a Vayevurech Dovid Part one.

This is the turning point within the Pisukei diZimra, where we transfer from discussing what Hashem did for us in creation to discussing what He’s done for us as the Jewish nation.

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 20

Page 27-8. This Shiur has two parts. The first part ends the סוגיא of יחוד קוב”ה ושכינתי’: Mitzvos reach Kidusha and join it with Schechina, on all levels bringing Kidusha from Atzmus. The same applies to Torah that (only) passes through Chochma Ila’a. He explains the idea of מקדשי שמך, which is also about joining…

Class 71

Class 16: Six Middos, twelve Gevulei Alachson in Malchus. Numbers bli gvul. MOSHOL: Steps in building a house. 1) a Ratzon – a wanting to have – not realistic –>2) Chochma a flash – possibility to make it real –> 3) Bina – a house is now many bricks, windows, is it worth it to…

Class 63

Class 9a: Where in HISHTALSHELUS does SOVEV kol ALMIN begin? RATZON KLALI. Be careful when dealing with Kabbalah not to diminish Hashem. But Kabbalah allows us to have a relativity with Hashem. Hashem doesn’t have to do anything in a particular way. He chose to make the world orderly so we can connect to Him….

Class 59

Class 5a: Special shiur. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU, HISKALELUS. question and answer, rejection. Through this inyan, we can see the development of an idea in chassidus by the Rebbe Rashab. In our maamar in 5643 The Rebbe concludes that the inyan needs much further investigation, while in 5672 it is explained smoothly with no problems. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU…

Class 58

Class #4: Mashal for Sovev. Nimshal of Memalei (continued). Ratzon = fluidity of the body = is not a koach but a force that takes the 613 parts and makes them work together. Ratzon – automatic vs need to concentrate. EVED PASHUT has no relationship to his master, just does what he is told, no…

Class 57

Class #3: Mashal for Sovev Kol Almin (continued). Inside perek 3 p110 5 lines down. Review: Neshama in a guf is a mashal for memale. Ohr,chayas, koach = Sovev, Memale, energy. Mashal for Sovev is Ratzon. Ratzon doesn’t have a specific place. It is both nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Ratzon can be…