Class 44
7 Perek 3 proofs. Adam Kadmon – complexity of Kadmus according to Kabbala. Proof 2 cont.: Philosophy is sechel enushi and says that there is only Aibishter and Us. The Aibishter is kadmon – always was, and we are m’chudash – new, once wasn’t. Kabbala is straight from the Aibishter. Kabbala also has Elokus, Hashem’s…
Class 43
6 Perek 3. Proofs that Atzmus was in the Beis Hamikdash. HaAras Ein Sof Baruch Hu is Ein Sof as it is revealed to something else. Atzmus Ein Sof Baruch Hu is Ein Sof in relation to itself. There are many levels of Ohr Ein Sof. The keli is the determinative factor in the degree…
Class 42
Part 5: Review of the differences between Philosophy and Kabbala. Maamar perek Aleph: Review of question of korbonos. Does Hashem need to eat? Answer in perakim 13-17 of the maamar. Perek Beis: Beis Ha Mikdash. The posuk says: Hashamayim U’shmei hashamayim lo yechalchelucha v’af ki habayis hazeh. (The heavens [Atzilus] and the heavens of heaven…
Class 41
Part 4: Kabbala versus Chakira. Question of Elokus. Philosophy is a goyishe chachma. The Jewish Philosophers had to try to put Hashem into the limits of philosophy. Kabbalah is Torah. Fundamentals of philosophy: 1) Truth is logical and reasonable, i.e. if it doesn’t make sense to ME it is false. Kabbala says things don’t have…
Class 40
Part 3: Questions regarding Korbanos. Kabbala versus Chakira. By Korbonos Torah says MY korbon, MY bread for MY fire. MY is Hashem. Philosophers have a problem with the concept of Hashem eating, so they said that the korbonos are really food for the melachim that are called Eishim. The problem with this is that it…
Class 39
Part 2: All Maamarim are from the Alter Rebbe (from the Maggid and the Baal Shem Tov). Later Rabbeim added commentary but usually used the same dibur hamaschil (opening posuk.) Reb Brachya is a Dira b”Tachtonim Maamar. There are two different concepts of dira b’tachtonim in Tanya. In perek 37 is the “Alter Rebbe”s Dira…
Class 38
Part 1 Hemsheichim (Series) – their structure and purpose. Overview of maamarim in general and a hemshech in particular. A Hemshech is a maamar that is way too long to speak at one time so it is broken up in smaller segments, each with its own divrei Hamaskhil (the address of the maamar) and a…
(5777/ 2017) ואתה תצוה ה’תשמ”א בלתי מוגה
This one class encompasses the entire unedited version of this מאמר Four points: 1) ואתה תצוה in this case משה is the point: to strengthen אידישע אמונה and internalize it. 2) ויקחו אליך causing an עלי’ה in Moshe, who grows in humility as a result of this new relationship, with another (lower) generation. 3) כתית…
In six Classes (5767)
Class One. Class Two. The Moshe Rabbeinu/Rebbe idea. Class Three. Cont. Moshe Rabbeinu gives Daas. Class Four. Mordechai was a Rebbe. The inner and outer dimensions. Mesiras nefesh reveals the Yechida itself. Class Five. Mordechai cont. After the ness of Purim Mordechai’s role changed: to arouse in Yidden a desperation for Geula that is (also)…
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