05. Wednesday 3 Adar 5777/ March 1 2017 רבון העולמים Class Five.
05. רבון העולמים Class Five. לכן יהי רצון מלפניך… הקרבנו לפניך from the (highest) face to the lowest face (מלכות). Strength is pronounced in the word לכן to achieve this. הוי’ אלוקינו ואלוקי אבותינו passing through השתלשלות though it is hidden in Galus time. שיח שפתותינו an inadequate prayer but a prayer never the less….
05. Wednesday 20 Teves, 5777/ January 18 2017. אנא בכח (Machon Chana) Class Four.
אנא בכח .05 Class Four. The גר”א’s ideas. Each line is another מדה from חסד through מלכות. Additionally each line is another one of the seven millennia of creation, including the seventh. This class explored the first three מדות and millennia. We explained the upside and downside of each of the two מדות חסד וגבורה,…
06. Abayey Class Six. Wednesday 7 Kislev 5777/ December 7 2016. אביי
06. אביי Class Six. Reading continued. אברים the pleasure of total transformation אהבה בתענוגים. At this point one’s life turns around and he lives to give to others.יהי’ שם שמים מתאהב על ידך. Bread, מנחה, internalizing the inspiration one gives [limited but internalized]. The bread represents חביתין .חסד done each day by the Kohen Gadol…
05. Abayey Class Five. Wednesday 29 Marcheshvan 5777/ November 30 2016. אביי
05. אביי Class Five. Reading inside continued. דישון מזבח הפנימי= אהבה בכל לבבך הטבת שתי נרות= אהבה בכל נפשך קטרת= אהבה בכל מאדך The higher one’s Avoda the deeper and the more perfect the Birur of the Klipa and the Animal Soul must be. [אברים= תענוג מאלקות [אהבה בתענוגים
04. Abayey Class Four. Wednesday 22 Marcheshvan 5777/ November 23 2016. אביי
04. אביי Class Four. Inside continued. The three fires are the heart of the Nefesh Haelokis! But they are fires that correspond to three Gevuros and they need sweetening. The logs of wood sweetens all the fires. Joining עץ הדעת ועץ החיים. Cleaning the inner Mizbeach from ash, is the need to clean the left…
02. Abayey Class Two. Wednesday 8 Marcheshvan 5777/ November 9 2016. אביי
02. אביי Class Two. Sicha of the Rebbe that explains that what we say (including the non-Halachic detail) reflects our “orphaned” time in Galus. Like Abayey himself. Menorah is Torah and there are two levels (the five books and (above that) the seven books). Ketores during Galus is Mesiras Nefesh above and beyond even the…
01. Abayey Class One. Wednesday 1 Marcheshvan 5777/ November 2 2016. אביי
01. אביי Class One. A basic overview and simple read. More complex insights to follow.
02. Ketores Vayomer…Kach Lecha Samim, Class Two, Wednesday 17 Iyar 5776/ May 25 2016. .
02. ויאמר… קח לך סמים Class Two. Introduction: Food vs. Medicine; Ketores is medicine, given in very strong concentrated doses to heal. Consequently it includes from the highest (לבונה זכה) to the lowest (ויאמר הוי’ אל משה [.הלבנה soft rather than hard speech, but from a high level almost like thought (like ברוך שאמר). It…
04. Ata Hu… Ketores. Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 3 Iyar 5776/ May 11 2016. Class Four.
04. אתה הוא… prayer קטרת part Four. In this class we read the text inside. two understandings of the אבותינו. את קטרת הסמים על יד משה…
02. Ata Hu… Ketores, longer Version, Machon Liyahadus Wednesday 27 Adar 2 5776/ April 6 2016. Class Two.
02. אתה הוא… prayer introducing the קטרת Two.Note: on the first page of the pdf four or five different Nuschaos appear for this (little) prayer. Four reasons why קטרת needs an introduction: A) Since the Biblical passage that follows is from two places and the word ונאמר must be placed in the middle, a larger…
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