
01. Elokeinu VeElokai Avosainu (before Vayehi Achar) Machon Chana, Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5775/ November 12 2014.

Elokeinu VeElokai Avosainu (before Vayehi Achar) Machon Chana Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5775/ November 12 2014.The Akaida is said everyday. For various reasons, before and after, we say a Prayer that comes from the Rosh Hashana Davening! The prayer before is amended (from the Rosh Hashana version) to underscore the theme of living as a Jew…

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Asiya (Machon Chana)

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Assiya (Machon Chana)Wednesday 8 Elul 5774, September 3 2014.Introduction. This class introduces a new year and explains at least basically the stage of Davening called Hoda’a.

03. Third Bracha of the Birchas HaTorah, ; Wednesday 13 Sivan 5714/ June 11 2014.

03. Third Bracha of Birchas HaTorah, Asher Bachar Banu: This Bracha corresponds to Torah SheBiksav, the Godliness of the Torah has to do with the Godliness of the Jewish people. The reason for the order is, (Reb Laivik) first Pnimi, then Makif (arvus) and then Makif of the Makif (arvus for Arvus).

02. Second Bracha of the Birchas HaTorah; Wednesday 28 Iyar 5714/ May 28 2014.

02. Second Bracha of Birchas HaTorah, Viha’arev Nu 1) ViHa’arev means sweet but also from the word integrate (Arvus). We are interconnected when it comes to Torah; this is why it says ‘Kol’ Amcha twice. 2) Mishna is what this Bracha is about. This is a meeting of the Godliness (Neshama) and intellect (Torah SheBa’al…

01. First of the Birchos HaTorah; Wednesday 21 Iyar 5714/ May 21 2014.

01. First Bracha of the Birchas HaTorah, Al Divrei Torah 1) LiHisasek BiDivrei Torah vs. al Divrei Torah, 2) Why do we say Al Divrei Torah rather than LiHisasek Bi… 3) Torah and Mitzvos are included in this language, The words are bringing Torah down to the lowest levels. 4) and more.

08. Birchas HaShachar (01) Hanosain Lasechvi Bina Lihavchin Class One.

Hanosein Lasechvi Vina… Class One. Wednesday 24 Kislev 5774/ Nov. 27 2013. The idea that we open these blessings by thanking Hashem for the rooster’s wisdom seems odd. What is the big deal? 1) This is about being in control of time even as we sleep which God created the rooster to help with. 2)…

05 100 Brachos Wednesday 10 Kislev 5774/ Nov. 13 2013.

100 Brachos This long class explores the idea of 100 Brachos as one of the oldest ‘customs’ Jews have. What it means, why it started, and what is the secret behind it. The class concludes with a wonderful explanation according to Chassidus.

03 Netilas Yadayim and the Bracha, Al Netilas Yadayim Wednesday 7 Tishrei 5774/ September 11 2013. (Machon Chana).

Netilas Yadayim and the Bracha, Al Netilas Yadayim. This class on the Bracha of Netilas yadayim focused on the reasons for washing (both negative ones, going out of what is negative) and positive ones (going into K’dusha). It is for the latter reason that we make a Bracha. Why negel vasser is intermittent and other…

Prayer, Some thoughts and an overview.

A series from the Summer of 5770/2010. Class One. Introduction: What is Tefilla? Class Two. The ladder of Tefilla. Growth and Success. How Kabalah develops the ladder of each (morning) prayer. Class Three. Brochos. These Rabbinic forms said all the time for many different reasons have a very basic and important design and function. Class…