Emor 21:17 – A Ba’al Mum (5765/2005)
A Ba’al Mum, an invalid is not allowed to do the Avodah in the Beis HaMikdash.
Tazria 12:03 – UvaYom HaShmini Yimol… (5765)
Tazria 12-03. UvaYom HaShmini Yimol… (5765).The Mitzva of Bris Mila (circumcision) can’t (according to the Rambam) be learned from Avrohom, as he lived before Mattan Torah (the Giving of the Torah). we learn it instead from a few words in this Parsha.
Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5747.
This rather long Maamar (taught in two installments) is connected to the Maamar Tefila L’Dovid of the Shabbos before this. The topic continues to be sweetening Gevura (judgment and exactitude). It explains that theme as it relates to 1) The manifesting of the Shechina, 2) Birchas Kohanim, 3) Pesach and more. Class One Class Two
Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5743.
This classic Shmini Ma’amar explores: 1) The world is represented by (order in the) number 7. 2) In the Bais Hamikdash there was a higher wholeness (as it reveals Havaya as opposed to Elokim) also in the number 7. 3) in Moshiach’s time there will be the number 8, associated with ‘Mochin ChaBaD’ which is…
28 Nissan (5776/ 2106).
(Yeshiva Chovevei Torah’ Beis HaMidrash). Purim 5747 is one of the key ways of making sense of the Sicha of 28 Nissan.
A Hemshech of two Ma’amarim on Pesach 5745 in three classes
Kimai Tzaischa Ma’Eretz Mitzrayim 5745. (A 11 Nissan Ma’amar). Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar explains the idea that we continue to leave Mitzrayim in space and in time (as we journey through our history and move from place to place) until Moshiach comes. The Rebbe explores the highest source of Mitzrayim in…
A Hemshech (2 Maamarim) Pesach 5744
Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5744. The Ben Chochom already knows Aidus Chukim and Mishpatim, what is bothering him is, why our Yiddishkeit is different than the Avos and is connected to action. The answer is that ‘Avadim haYinu’-, the challenges in Mitzrayim raised us up to the level of being able to elevate physical things also….
This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the previous one. Vayehi Bayom HaShmini 5715
Class One. The Hemshech continues. The Ma’amar wishes to explain Tzimtzum to us, so we will understand the significance of reversing it in revealing Godliness in the ‘space’ of the Tzimtzum when Moshiach comes. To explain this he begins (indirectly, by) discussing what is ‘before’ (Godliness is simple and worldliness must be learned) and ‘after’…
והניף ידו על הנהר התשי”א
Class One. This class discusses the idea of the splitting the river (בינה) to reveal the essence [מעיין- חכמה]. Just like קריעת ים סוף was not only to save the Jewish people but to reveal Godliness as a preparation for מתן תורה, similarly, the splitting of the נהר prepares for the revelation of פנימיות התורה….
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