
Vayikra 01:09 – Reiach Nichoach LaHashem (London 5771)

Why are Korbonos (sacrifices) unique among mitzvos to get this extraordinary allusion of the divine delight korbonos bring Hashem. This class includes Rashi, and the Rebbe’s sicha on it, The Gemara and Maharsha, Rabbeinu Bichayey, Chasam Sofer and others. It concludes with a brief chassidic commentary.

Vayikra 01:02 – Adam Ki Yakriv

01-02. אדם כי יקריב מכם קרבן להוי’הIt sounds as though the sacrifice includes the person himself. A variety of interpretations.Sources: Rashi, E. Ezra, Sforno, Chizkuni, Ralbag, Etz Hadas Tov, Alshich, Maamarim 5710, 5742

15. Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714 (Hemshach to previous) (Muga)

Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714, Second Version, Class One.The purpose of the world requires that there be a העלם (concealment) which then sets up the “real purpose” the reversal of the concealment itself. This is the meaning of על שלשה דברים העולם -ההעלם- עומד.אין סוף is one, but has two ideas; A. למעלה עד…

14. Vinacha 5714 (Acharon Shel Pesach) 5714 (Next Ma’amar is a Hemshech to this one) (Muga)

Class One. This class which discusses the very beginning and very end of this difficult Ma’amar, gets at the essence of this Ma’amar. The questions: 1) Vinacha… Ruach Hashem allows for no opposites but we then follow up with dualities: Chochma UBina etc. 2) How can there be duality in Ein Sof (LIma’amla Ma’amala and…

01. Kvod Malchuscha (כבוד מלכותך יאמרו) 5712

01. Kvod Malchuscha (כבוד מלכותך יאמרו) 5712The process of creation is About Gevuros, but then the Gevuros must be sweetened to reveal Hashem’s Melucha in the world. This is the difference between 25 Elul and Rosh Hashana. Every year Hashem resigns and His kingship is renewed not from words alone, but from words accompanied by…

13. Nasata Liraiecha… (נתת ליריאך) – 5711

13. Nasata Liraiecha… (נתת ליריאך) – 5711The difference between בירורים and בירורים .נסיונות correct both the person and the object one is dealing with. נסיונות are so deep a test from so deep an evil that the good within has become evil. Accordingly, the correction is in the person alone because the item being corrected…

02. Hayosheves B’ganim (היושבת בגנים) – Muga – 5711

02. Hayosheves B’ganim (היושבת בגנים) – Muga – 5711This continuation to באתי לגני continues on the basic theme of struggling and transforming this world into a home for Hashem, adds the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid which were not included in the first Ma’amar. Why all Neshamos are called חברים?

01. Basi Ligani 5711 (Muga). One class, short version

The Rebbe’s first Maamar discusses the first chapter of the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani. This Ma’amar is also the charge for our (“the seventh generation”) time. To bring “The Schechina back down to the lowest realm”. This Maamar includes 1) a commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani (5710) chapter one. It discusses a. Ikar…

Hachodesh 5743 (1).

Class One. Three levels: 1) Nature, Elokim, everything changes and goes towards deterioration, 2) Havaya Lo Shanisi that affects that nature should remain unchanging. 3) Ness, the Miracle, the Havaya which is always new. The two levels of miracles are discussed in this Ma’amar in the contexts of: 1) Torah, 2) Tefila (Krias Shma, 3)…