
Basi Legani 5731, (5771/ 2011).

Part One. Ikar Shechina BiTachtonim Haysa. Part Two. Yerida Tzorech Aliya (even from sin) reveals the maala of “helem”. Part Three. Iskafia brings down Ohr that is higher than the Tzimtzum, Ishapecha qualifies the world as a vessel to recieve it.

17-18. Basi Ligani 5730 (Muga)

Part One. It’s Ultimately About “Neshomos yerida tzorech aliya” (Souls going down for the purpose of going up again) 29.85 MB – 1 hour and 5 minutes Part Two. 1) All of a Jew’s challenges come from himself. 2) Iskafia & Ishapcha in machshava zara.

18. Basi Ligani 5727

Class One.This is the Motzei Shabbos Maamar. The Shabbos Maamar is unavailale. This Maamar is based on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Maamar from 5710 ch. 17. Class Two.

15. Basi Ligani 5726.

This Maamar is based on the Frierdike Rebbe’s Maamar from 5710 ch. 16.

Basi Ligani 5715

Class One. Shtus Dikdusha, higher than any reason, can only be expressed at times and events that match the energy of the Shtus, Example: at a wedding. The primary example is Dira BiTachtonim as it is higher than any reason it elicits Shtus DiKdusha. 1) From there can come Midas HaHishtavus, 2) The bringing down…

Basi Legani 5710.

This Maamar which the Frierdike (previous) Rebbe gave out on the occasion of his grandmother’s yahrtzeit, turned out to be his “Maamar of Histalkus” (The Maamar of his own passing). This discourse has been studied all these years at the Rebbe’s behest. He considers it the Frierdike Rebbe’s will. It’s content is the blueprint for…

Basi Legani 5718 (1) באתי לגני ה’תשי”ח א

Class One. Introduction to all the classes of באתי לגני for this year. The Ma’amar from 5683. The Ma’amar for Yahrtzait of mother and grandmother becomes מאמר הילולא as a result of the הסתלכות. So many lessons, beginning with making this world a home for Him על ידי אתכפיא ואתהפכא. 1) קרבנות 2) שטות 3)…

1. Maamar of Hishtatchus (5767).

A discussion by the Mitteler (second) Rebbe on what it means to go the grave site of a Tzaddik. He explains five levels of this experience. Thought on Hishtatchus (5776/2015). Five minutes.

1. The Ohel

Some thoughts on going to the Ohel- resting place of the Rabbeiim. (5767)