Vayehi BiEtzem Hayom Haze’…. Tzivos Hashem 5746. (5772/2012).
This Maamar is based on the Maamar of Parshas Bo 5683, when our Rebbe came to his Rebbe (the RaYatz) for the first time. The Maamar said that Shabbos, would be repeated 27 years later as the Maamar Basi Ligani 5710 of the Previous Rebbe’s histalkus. On the occasion of the printing of this early…
This is a Parshas HaChodesh Ma’amar.
Hachodesh 5743. Class One. Three levels: 1) Nature, Elokim, everything changes and goes towards deterioration, 2) Havaya Lo Shanisi that affects that nature should remain unchanging. 3) Ness, the Miracle, the Havaya which is always new. The two levels of miracles are discussed in this Ma’amar in the contexts of: 1) Torah, 2) Tefila (Krias…
החודש הזה לכם ה’תשמ”א.
(פרשת החודש) Class One. This class begins with a lengthy introduction about the Rebbe’s unique contribution to מאמרי חסידות. One of the Rebbe’s big new ideas is the idea of the אלקות of חושך וצמצום עצמו. This class explains the aforementioned idea by explaining why the Torah begins with (darkness) בראשית ברא אלוקים which must…
18. ויאמר הוי’ אל משה… בעשור לחודש… ויקחו להם איש שה לבית… ה’תשמ”א.
This Ma’amar discusses the idea of one being a seminal point which matures when it develops all ten aspects. It interprets the word בעשור (as opposed to בעשירי) as meaning all ten, meaning, that each later day includes all the preceding ones until ten. Ten is the completion of one’s personal wholeness; of קשוט עצמך….
VaAira 5712 (‘Der Frumer VaAira’)
Also known as ‘Der Frumer VaAira’. Class One. “The Frumer VaAira” of the Alter Rebbe (originally) reviewed by the Rebbe in 5712. The Ma’amar is being taught in two classes. This class overviews the Ma’amar and some of its history. It then explores the ‘Zoche’ person who need not do Teshuva because 1) he reaches…
Vaera 07:12 – Swallowing the Sticks
After Aharon throws his staff to the ground and the Pharaoh’s magicians match the feat Aharon’s staff swallows theirs. This class includes Even Ezra, Rashi, Maharam, Sforno, Chida, A Sicha (Likutei Sichos vol. 26) and a Maamar (5741).
Vaera 06:26~27 – Moshe and Aharon (5773/2013)
Two P’sukim that seem to be repeating the very same thing: That Moshe and Aharon took Yidden out of Mitzrayim, the first says Hu Aharon UMoshe and the second ends Hu Moshe Viaharon and in the middle it says Heim (in plural) what is going on here? Rashi, Chizkuni, Even Ezra, Alshich, Yonasan Aibeshitz and…
Vaera 06:02 – The Ramban (5766)
One of the great theological questions is discussed by the Ramban at the beginning of this Parsha: is reward and punishment a natural effect of our actions or is it a distinct act of G-d. This question is addressed in this class.
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