
The Rambam’s Sfarim (5778/ 2018).

1) Pirush HaMishna. 2) Sefer HaMitzvos. 3) Mishna Torah. 4) Iggeres Taiman. 5) Iggeres HaShmad. 6) Iggeres Techiyas HaMaisim. 7) More’ Nevuchim.

Shmos 01:14 – VaYimuraru (5773/2013).

The Torah describes Yidden’s suffering in Mitzrayim over many P’sukim and it seems that it got worse in stages. This Possuk, VaYimuraru, adds what to this progression. What are the particulars of 1) Merirus of Chayim, 2) Avoda Kasha, 3) Chomer, 4) Liveinim, 5) Kol Avoda BaSade, 6) Parech? RaMabN, Midrash, RaMbaM, Rabeinu Bechayey, Alshich,…

VaYechi 49:01~02 – Hausfu.. Acharis Hayamim

Yaakov tried to reveal the Ketz. Then changed his course.

Vayechi 47:29 – Chesed Shel Emes (2005)

47-29. Chesed Shel Emes.VAYECHI 2005 – KINDNESS AND TRUTHPosted on November 2, 2017December 27, 2020 by Rabbi PaltielWhat is meant by “Chesed shel emes” in the context of Yosef’s promise to bury his father Yaakov in Eretz Yisroel? Is kindness driven by altruism or something else? Sources include: Rashi, Baal HaTurim, Shaloh, Rambam, Chizkuni, Abarbanel, Zohar with Likutei…

Vayechi 47:28 – Vayechi Yaakov (2006)

First Possuk in the ParshaVAYECHI 2006 – 17 GOOD YEARSPosted on November 2, 2017December 27, 2020 by Rabbi PaltielAn excellent entry in our continuing series on the first pasuk of the Parsha – this week on “Vayechi”. Rabbi Paltiel addresses the question of why the last 17 years of Yaakov’s life are separated from his total of 147….

VaYechi – Overview (5772/2011)

Vayechi. Golus starts, but Yaakov is above it. Breishis ends with the deaths of Yaakov and Yoseif and the Yidden are left with their words of encouragement.

Beetzem Hayom Haze’. (5771).

The fast of 10 TEVES is compared to Yom Kippur. We would (according to the Abudraham) fast on Shabbos. Why? The Rebbe’s talk from 5745 explains this.

BE’ETZEM Hayom…The three tragedies.

Short Class:On this fast day we mourn three separate tragic events: 1. The death of Ezra, 2. the Targum 70 3. the siege of Yerushalayim. Long Version:The 8th of TEVES is the date of “Targum Shivim” (Septuagint), the 9th is Ezra’s yahrtzeit, The tenth is the day the siege was laid on Yerushalayim. This fast…

Chamisha BiTEVES 5774 (two parts).

The Rebbe on what a Rebbe is. The Rebbe describes what a Rebbe is in order to explain how ludicrous it is to think he’d lie. This document is an insight into what the Rebbe thinks of being a Rebbe and we learned this on Hey Teves 5774. Part Two. The Rebbe lives on in…