Chamisha BiTEVES 5771 (two parts).
Can the spiritual idea of “Rebbe” (and the nature of the relationship between a Rebbe and Chassidim) be explained In Nigla (halachic) terms at all? Based on the Sicha of 2 NISSAN 5748, Likutei Sichos vol. 19 Shoftim P. 165 ff. and vol 23 Pinchas P. 190 ff. Part One. The Story. The question Melech…
Vayigash 47:14 – Yosef collected all the wealth in Egypt (2005)
VAYIGASH 2005 – COLLECTING SPARKSWhy does the Torah record Yosef’s gathering of wealth in detail? Sources include: Classic commentaries as well as a maamar from the Alter Rebbe (from the Torah Ohr), a maamar from the Mittler Rebbe (from Toras Chaim on Vayechi – “Ben Poras Yosef”).
Vayigash 44:18 – First Passuk of the Parsha (2006)
VAYIGASH 2006 – YEHUDA AND YOSEF CLASSESA discussion of the word “vayigash” in our continuing series on the first line of each parsha. Sources include: Reb. Bechaye, Kli Yakar, Ohr HaChayim, Abarbanel, Alshich, Etz Hadaas Tov, and Chassidus.
Veatta BiRachamecha 5748.
Chanuka celebrates (the days and ) numbers 24, 25, and 26. We (nowadays) celebrate only 25- WHY.
Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5744.
A Ma’amar that juxtaposes Mezuza and Chanuka candles and wonders why we join them together at the door, Mezuza on the right and the Menora on the left. Mezuza is for the house though it protects you even when you leave it. This protection is on the level of Hashem Echad (you’re above the world…
ראיתי והנה מנורת זהב ה’תשמ”א.
The change in the פסוק נר אלוקים נשמת אדם as opposed to נר הוי’ נשמת אדם as it appears in משלי כ”ז, כ is based on the ירושלמי שבת פ”ב ה”ו. All the Jewish people make up one body with seven branches and seven different types of service to Hashem. The seven רועים shepherds assist…
A collection of many short thoughts on Chanuka that summarize many of its points.
This class includes numerous short ideas on Chanuka woven into one. This class was given at Hadar HaTorah
Beis Yosef’s question and the Rebbe’s answer.
One of the most explored questions in Yiddishkeit (with scores of different answers)- why is Chanuka eight days and not seven. This question is resolved by the Rebbe in a most unique way.
Ve’al Hanissim
Ve’al HanissimThe prayer said in Shemona Esrei and benching (in “Hoda’a”) its meaning (in part) and where we recite it and why. This class is based on source material. Some of the thoughts however are (semi)original and each person will judge for himself. First Version. (5668). Second Version. (5669).
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