
Vayeshev 38:08 – Gilgulim

The story of Yehuda and Tamar is (according to many the source of the idea of reincarnation in Torah). A discussion on reincarnation. VAYEISHEV 2005 – GILGULIM

Vayeshev 37:01 – Class on the first Possuk.

Why does the Torah repeat what it says in P Vayishlach?

Farbrengen, Chassidus is Ohr (light) and Iskafia (work) (5774/2014).

A Farbrengen built around a story of reb Hilel Partcher and reb Itcha Der Masmid.

Amar Rav Oishia 5748.

Connection between Devora’s Geula and 19 KISLEV especially.

Pade BiShalom 5712.

Class One. In one’s Avodas Hashem there are choices: 1) Live above the Nefesh HaBahamis, in which case no transformation takes place in the person and right after Davening and learning one can fall. 2) Fight with the Nefesh haBahamis but treat him like an equal in which case the fight is incessant. 3) Fight…

The Alter Rebbe’s Siddur.

A class about the intent of the Alter Rebbe in making his nusach. It may be very holy and precise but it is for everyone.See below for another version of the same.

Vayashkeim Lavan Baboker Vayenashek…5748.

Lavan’s kiss spiritually empowers Avoda. Lavan then departs so not to interfere with free will.

וישלח ה’תשמ”ג.

This Maamar explores the Vayishlach maamarim of the Alter Rebbe and the Mitteler Rebbe, how they all flow along the theme of the Parsha from the beginning until Shlishi. It also explores an initial idea that the Mitteler Rebbe later refutes but does not remove from the מאמר. That even in פנימיות התורה there is…