עם לבן גרתי ה’תשמ”ב.
Lavan (on high) inspires correcting not only the spiritual Aisav, but the physical and actual Aisav as well. Lavan is also corrected on all levels. In this class we understand the Ma’amar to be saying that various levels of Lavan and Aisav are sequentially corrected from the top down: 1) לובן העליון נותן כח לברר…
Vayishlach 32:04 – The Whole Story
VAYISHLACH 2008 – YAAKOV MEETS EISAVThe SHELA and the Alter Rebbe both explain the meeting between Yaakov and Eisav on a mystical level (also). This class attempts to reveal the brilliance of these two commentaries in the entire story.
Vayishlach 32:04 & 32:25 – MALACHIM
(What are Angels? Who did Yaakov send to Eisav? with whom did Yaakov wrestle?). VAYISHLACH 2005 – WHAT ARE ANGELS?
Vayishlach – Overview (5772/2011)
Vayishlach: Yaakov’s showdown with Eisav, is a more painful and explicit Golus but is more frightful and is resolved more quickly.
Margila … Drava 5746.
The Teshuva and Davening nowadays must be done only with joy because 1) We’re too low to afford any kind of sadness 2) We’ve completed all aspects of sad Avoda. The question is still, what is the Tachlis of Torah, Teshuva, and Maasim Tovim. He explains that the point of Torah is to know Atzmus…
The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013.
Lecha Dodi 5689. The Maaamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence brings to deeper influences until the ultimate influence the converging of two into one (in children). The examples 1) teacher and students, 2) Father and son, how it is in darkness (Galus) to light…
Pada BiShalom 5746.
Pada Bishalom has levels 1) that now is only potential and the Shalom will be revealed when Moshiach comes, 2) That the Shalom is revealed at the moment of the Tzadik’s histalkus, 3Z) That the Tzadik experiences the Shalom during his lifetime. This Ma’amar observes that the Mitteler Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit being the day before his…
Pada BiShalom 5744.
The standard Pada BiShalom (explaining the Possuk, not the Gemara) is repeated here. The level of peace follows the level of war. It begins (war) in little children who go towards peace as they age. This idea is explored in this class.
אתה אחד ה’תשמ”ב.
Class One. There are four levels (like Hishtalshelus) and in each one there are three, like חג”ת. And above that is the plain essence of Godliness. מנוחה שלימה וכו. Every Jew is connected to all the levels of Hishtalshelus (like the ladder which us Tefilla) and also to the Yechida. Class Two. This Ma’amar and…
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