
פדה בשלום ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. This (first of two) class on this Ma’amar explores the idea of Shalom. To have peace from war has two aspects: A. The evil is נתבטל בעצם מהותו altogether nullified. B. The weapon used to defeat the enemy has to be transcendent- above the struggle altogether. He explains three levels in this: A….

Vayetzei 28:14 – Ufaratzta!

UFARATZTA! What does it mean.

Vayetzei 28:10 – Yaakov Left Eretz Yisroel to Build a Jewish Nation

A class on the first possuk of the parsha. VAYETZE 2006 – HE LEFT TO BUILD A JEWISH NATION At the end of Parshas Toldos, Yaakov Avinu left Eretz Yisroel so why does Parshas Vayetze tell us this again? It begins with a number of pshatim (interpretations) on this question from Rashi, R. Bechaye, Alshich,…

Vayetzei – Overview (5772/2011).

Vayetzei, the Golus parsha (part one). Surviving Lavan, twenty years of deception.

Toldos 25:28 – Yitzchok loved Eisav and Rivka loved Yaakov (2005)

Yitzchok loved Eisav and Rivka loved Yaakov. TOLDOS 2005 – “THE TRUTH HURTS” CLASS Why did Yitzchak love Esav? This class flows beautifully from beginning to end. The analysis starts with two “simple” pshatim (surface interpretations) from Rashi (Esav “fed” Yitzchak and Esav deceived Yitzchak with false piety). Step by step the deep meaning of…

Toldos 25:19 – A Meaningful “Vav”

Commentary on the first possuk. TOLDOS 2006 – A MEANINGFUL “VAV” ; First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. What is the significance of the vav in the beginning of the parsha: “V’aile toldos yitzchak…” (These are the offspring of Yitzchak the son of Avraham). Why does Rashi tell us that Esav and Yaakov are the…

Rosh Chodesh Kislev story (5771).

Rosh Chodesh Kislev story

Vayihyu Chayey Sara 5751.

Sara’s life is exalted on several levels the highest of which sees all her life as equal.

Chayey Sara 5712.

Class One. Chayey Sara, Chava Noach and Sara shared the Avoda of bringing Bittul into Murgash [as opposed to Adam and Avrohom whose task was in the realm of the Bilti Murgash]. Noach tried a bittul of Chochma (wine, pinimyus Bina is Chochma) and failed; Sara tried a Bittul of malchus and succeeded because she…

Chayey Sara 24:63 – Yitzchok went to pray (lasuach) in the field

Yitzchok went to pray (lasuach) in the field.