
Chayey Sara 24:01 – And Avrohom was Old

“And Avrohom was old.” What does this mean? CHAYE SARA 2006 – GO INTO YOUR LIFE AND TAKE IT WITH YOU If you have ever struggled with the story of the Akeidah, you must not miss this class. Rabbi Paltiel analyzes the pasuk (line), “Avraham was old, he was coming in the days”. One focus…

Chayey Sara 23:01 – Life of Sara

The first Possuk in the Parsha. CHAYE SARA 2006 – THE LIFE OF SARA The class continues this year’s theme of analyzing the first pasuk (line) of the parsha. Rabbi Paltiel draws on Rashi, Ramban, Rashbam, Baal HaTurim, Abarbanel, Alshich, and a ma’amar to address the following three questions: 1. Why is it relevant in…

New Version from Beis Midrash Linashim (5772/2012).

Class One. Two levels of Bittul, the first is reasonable based, that means ‘koach hagevul’; the second is Bittul with complete abandon (hefker). These two levels correspond to the two interpretations on ‘ViAt UBanayich Tichyi BaNosar’. The Neshama in this world loses touch with her source and falls back on her Yechida. This is revealed…

Vayera 21:33 – Vayita Eshel

Vayera 2009: Vayita Eshel – Insights Avrohom’s “AISHEL”. Tent or Tree.

Vayera 19:24 VaHashem Himtir Al Sedom

VaHashem Himtir Al Sedom… AND Hashem rained down on Sedom…from HASHEM…how do we read this conflicted Possuk.

Lech Lecha 17:01 – The name ‘Shad’ai’

The name ‘Shad’ai’. What this name of Hashem represents. 1) Sufficiency, 2) Abundant Elokus. A development of this idea until Chassidus. How in miracles concealed in nature and nature itself there is abundant Godliness.

Lech Lecha 12:01 – Complete Your Mission

A commentary on the first Possuk. LECH LECHA 2006 – COMPLETE YOUR MISSION Why is the “lecha” in “Lech lecha” needed? The shiur is packed with analysis from different sources starting with Rashi and moving on to Ramban, R. Bechaye, Alshich, Tur, Rikanti, and more. The discussion then moves into the realm of Chassidus with…

Aile Toldos Noach 5751.

Toldos Noach. Noach can be compared to the two levels of Shabbos and the higher unifying point.

Noach 11:01 – Dor Hafluga

The story of the generation of Haflaga (the great dispersion) what were they after.