Noach 06:16 Tzohar Taase LaTeiva
Tzohar Taase LaTeiva. Either a window or a precious stone. What it really was about. Noach 2009 – Window on the Teva Sources: Rashi, Chizkuni, and Chassidus
Noach 06:01 Righteous in his Generation
Class on first Possuk of the Parsha. NOACH 2006 – RIGHTEOUS IN HIS GENERATION This class on Parshas Noach analyzes a fundamental question posed by all the great commentators, “Why does the Torah qualify Noach’s righteousness in terms of his generation(s)?” Sources include Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, Taz, Ralbag, Alshich, Abarbanel, and a variety…
ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חודש ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. Shabbos is higher than Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Hashana as it is completely above time (while Rosh Chodesh and Rosh Hashana are higher ideas IN time but not above it). The strength for מחר חודש always comes from Shabbos- what is completely above time. Class Two. This is the classic Ma’amar of Machar…
Ki Kaasher HaShamayim HaChadushim… 5745.
1) Introduction: Shabbos Mivorchim Elul, inspiration.(15 minutes) 2) Ma’amar. This Ma’amar juxtaposes the beginning and the end of the Rosh Chodesh Haftorah, which is also the beginning and the end of the entire (set) Torah Ohr and Likutei Torah. It begins by celebrating the heaven and the earth being made into God’s seat and footstool…
Vihaya Midai Chodesh 5744
This Ma’amar is teaching how to learn a Ma’amar. When you don’t understand ask! The Rebbe discusses two Ma’amarim: the Ma’amarim of Rosh Chodesh and Machar Chodesh and for the most part asks but does not answer any of his questions, to teach us how to learn. Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh are opposites yet they…
בראשית ה’תשמ”ב.
Class One. We need walls to protect us in two ways: 1) Protect Klipa from coming in and getting more life than what Hashem allotted for it. [Klipa exists to give us more meaningful free will and the additional life it leaches adds to fulfilling it’s purpose of challenging our free will] 2) Prevent Klipa…
Liosei Niflaos Gidolos 5722.
This Ma’amar has a Simchas Torah idea, but was said on Monday (Noach) 29 Tishrei (to the departing guests). Liosei Niflaso 5722, a Simchas Torah Maamar based directly on the Alter Rebbe’s version, which creates for a very interesting learn. There are three (or four) levels: A. Kindness, B. the source of kindness C. and…
בסוכות תשבו ה’תש”ם.
This class discusses אמונה which is מקיף and how we affect התישבות in this מקיף as the פסוק says בסוכות תשבו.
Talk (5770). Some history stories and insight. Talk (5771). Parnasa. It’s all about faith. Talk (5771). The joy of Sukkos in the Beis Hamikdash is the closest thing to how we serve Hashem in Golus. Teshuva- overcoming obstacles. What is Simchas Basi Hashoaiva (5775/2014). The Gemarah explains what was done with the water in the…
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