
Biography of Rebbe MaHaRash (5773/2013).

Based on the introduction to the HaYom Yom.

Class #20.


Class #18.

After the Tzimtzum three levels in the (Ohr) Ein Sof: Higher than, in and below ATZILUS.

Class #17.

Levels in Ein Sof: 1) Etzem Ein Sof, 2) Giluy Sfiros Ein Ketz, 3) Alos HaRatzon, ten Sefiros HaGenuzos.

Class #16.

Continued. Giluy (revelation) is always Tzimtzum (reduction).

Class #13.

MehisAvus HaOr Nishavu HaKeilim. The lowering of the Light, causes the Kelilim’s (vessel’s) emergence.

Class #12.

The building blocks of Hishtalshelus: Two Pillars, Bli Gevul (infinity) and Gevul (finite).

Class #11.

The insignificance of creation (vs. the Truth and the Creator). Continued.

Class #10.

The insignificance of creation (vs. the Truth and the Creator).

Class #09.

Nothing is Kipshuto (as it seems).