
Class #08.

Kabala vs. Chassidus.

Class #07.

Absolute vs. relative (mystically speaking).

Class #05.

Simple is absolute. How children believe.

Class #04.

The Ten are (never the less) Ein Sof.

Class #02.

Ein Sof vs. Ein Lo Techilla. Ein Sof vs. ten Sefiros.


VIDUI. Short and to the point. This thought on text of the viduy (confession) provides a useful meditation for the Yom Kippur davening (prayer).

Class #01. MP3

Kabbala vs. Chakira (philosophy) an overview. The lovely musical intro was prepared using music kindly donated to Inside Chassidus for this purpose by Joel Rubin. More details on the music coming soon.

כנשר יעיר כינו ה’תשמ”ב.

This Ma’amar explores a sequence of four Pesukim beginning with כי חלק הוי’ עמו are our roots, ימצאהו בארץ מדבר discusses finding us in a desert and how from the desert itself comes our upliftedness, This is followed by the Possuk that is the Ma’amar’s title כנשר יעיר כינו. He explains how the transforming of…

Haazinu 32:03 – Ki Sheim Hashem Ekra…. The significance of responding to the mention of Hashem’s name.

Ki Sheim Hashem Ekra…. The significance of responding to the mention of Hashem’s name.