
Tzav 2006 – Rebbe’s Kapitel Koof Hei

Tzav 2006 Because this class came out right before 11 Nissan – Rabbi Paltiel gave a shiur on the Rebbe’s Kapitel from this year (Kuf Hei)

Bamidbar 01:02 – Why Does Hashem Count The Jews? (5765/ 2005)

Bamidbar 01-02. (5765/ 2005) – Why Does Hashem Count The Jews?The question of why Hashem counts the Jewish people is addressed with a broad range of sources: RaShI, RaMbaN, Rabeinu Bechaye, Shelah, and a Sicha from volume 4 of Likutei Sichos.

Matos/Masei – The Lighter Side of Chumrahs (1999)

The Three Weeks always carries us from Matos/Masei into Devarim. Rabbi Paltiel explores the connection between beginning Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) and the practice of taking on chumrahs (stringencies) in the observance of Halacha (Jewish Law). How do chumrahs bring more light into Jewish life? Plus a discussion of the war with Midyan.

Devarim – Bringing Out The Good During Menachem Av (1999)

Moshe Rabbenu gave the Yidden mussar (criticism) in parshas Devarim. Rabbi Paltiel discusses the concept and process of giving mussar in a way that will lead to a good result. He discusses several lessons from the Gemara that enlighten the point. The class also includes an introduction to Chodesh Menachem Av (the month of Menachem…

Vaeschanan 06:04 – Shema Yisroel (02) [Eikev] – Philosophy Versus Kabbala on Shema Yisroel (2007)

Vaeschanan 06-04 (Class Two on Shma) [Eikev] 2007 – Philosophy Versus Kabbala on Shema YisroelPart Two in the Mini-Series on Shema Yisroel continues the discussion of Shema Yisroel from the perspective of both philosophy (based on the Rambam) and Kabbala (drawing on Rabbenu Bechaye). . Women’s and Girl’s Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher Learning…

Rebbe Rayatz – 55 Years of Public Service

Rebbe Rayatz – 55 Years of Public Service MP3

Bechukosai 26:03 – Reward and Punishment (5766/ 2006)

Bechukosai 26-03 Reward and Punishment (5766/ 2006)This class on reward and punishment draws on the Rambam, Ramban, Abarbanel as explained in the Kli Yakar, and a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. If you want to hear more on this topic also see the Reward and Punishment class given for Parshas Vaeira in 2006 Note: Information…

Tzom Gedalia Analysis

An in-depth class on Tzom Gedalia (the Fast of Gedalia).

Aishes Chayil

A beautiful analysis of Aishes Chayil prefaced by several stories. Recorded at a talk given at a Toronto Shabbaton.

Bo 10:01 – First Possuk – Come With Me to Pharoah (5667/2007)

This class discusses the meaning of the word Bo in the continuing series on the first pasuk in the parsha. Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Sporno, Tur, R. Chaim Vital, and Sichos.