
Class 00 Hemshech Rab Brachya 5643

Three discourses given by the Rebbe Rashab on 3 successive Shabbosim during the year (1882-3) covering the topic of the Beis Hamikdash (the Temple). The following questions are explored: 1. Why would G-d prefer our service to Him in the physical world to what transpires in the spiritual worlds? 2. What does it mean that…

The Rebbe Rayatz – Early Years

Stories of the early life of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn).

Two Views of the Inner Meaning of the Chasuna (Wedding)

The first thing that happens between a couple is their wedding – is it superficial or a microcosm of their whole life together? This class is a comparison of two ma’amarim (discourses) on the (chasuna) wedding day. One from Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson (the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe) from 5689 (1928) and one from Rabbi Menachem…

Miketz 41:01 – A Beginning or An End? (2006)

Deep insight into the word “Miketz”. Sources include: Rashi, Eben Ezra, Alshich, a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe (a technical rashi sicha), Rabbenu Bechaye, Tzemach Tzedek, and more.

Yisro 18:21 – Moshe Needed Advice From Yisro? (2006)

18-21. Yisro 2006 – Moshe Needed Advice From Yisro?This class delves into the question of why Moshe needed advice from Yisro on how to structure his interaction with the Jewish people. The analysis draws on three different Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.When it seems that Moshe has bad judgement, he’s actually giving what is correct…

Acharei Mos 18:05 – Vechai Bahem (Live by the Mitzvot)(2009)

”Ve-Chai bahem” – Live by the mitzvot – do not die by them. Gemara (halacha), Rashag, Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, R. Bechayey, Alshich, Ohr Hatorah

A class on The Alter Rebbe’s Siddur

An introduction to the Alter Rebbe’s siddur. Note: 24 Teves is the Alter Rebbe’s Yahrzeit.

Vayikra – Korbanos (2005)

This class for Parshas Vayikra on the topic of Korbanos was recorded in 2005. Unfortunately the sound quality is poor. It is possible to hear the shiur and it is a very good class so we decided to put it up.