43. Ani Lidodi 5732 (1) Muga
אני לדודי ה’תשל”ב 1 מוגה Class One (beginning and the end): The advantage of Bittul and Kabbalas Ol above all else, which is represented in this Ma’amar in the idea that the people CHOSE TO GO OUT AND GREET THE KING IN THE FIELD. Class Two: The advantage of the.. 1) lower Yirah over the…
17. – 2 Chamisha Kinyanim (חמשה קנינים) 5712
חמשה קנינים ה’תשי”ב 2 This Ma’amar places נשמות ישראל above all else including Torah. He discusses at length the idea of Yerida Tzorech Aliya, and explains it in three ways: 1) The ability of Neshama down here, to reach higher than it is On High, is because the challenges of down here get the Neshama…
16. 1 – Chamisha Kinyanim (חמשה קנינים) 5712
חמשה קנינים ה’תשי”ב 1 The first of two Ma’amarim by the same name. The first accentuates Torah, the second Yisroel. Kinyan is Atzilus. As it changes nothing from before Atzilus, it is only גילוי ההעלם. There are three ideas of Kinyan discussed: A. אצילות is Hashem’s Kinyan naturally. B. The elevation and correction of what…
11. Alapayim Shana Kedema Torah L’briaso shel Olam (אלפים שנה קדמה תורה לברייתו של עולם) -5711
11. אלפים שנה קדמה תורה לברייתו של עולם ה’תשי”א The idea of time before creation is analyzed here: A. Need for clocks, B. Idea of change, C. Time itself is (in essence) a creation. Before time the idea of time means level, and in this case: the worlds begin with Midos. The two Mochin are…
10. V’Hishalachti b’tochachem (והתהלכתי בתוככם) – 5711
10. והתהלכתי בתוככם ה’תשי”א This מאמר is built around three ideas: Idea One: Movement from the bottom (climbing) upwards. This requires many prerequisites, knowing how to travel, being very strong, and having the right clothes. All this is paralleled in Avoda. Idea Two: Movement from the top down. That means one knows (and sees) automatically…
30. ועשית חג שבועות ה’תשל”ט This is the fourth מאמר in a המשך about מתן תורה
ועשית חג שבועות ה’תשל”ט This class has a lengthy introduction explaining כתר and specifically פנימיות הכתר and it’s unique connection to חג השבועות. In this class each of the seven questions the Rebbe asks is addressed and explained one after another. Shavuos we “do” by the preparing we do before.
33 דעו כי הוי’ הוא האלוקים ה’תשל”ט
דעו כי הוי’ הוא האלוקים התשל”ט This is a י”ב תמוז Ma’amar For the Rebbe RaYaTz beginning his hundredth year, when he would recite פרק ק in Tehillim. The point of the Ma’amar is to explain that we עמו וצאן הרעיתו were tasked to affect הוי’ הוא האלוקים in the world through work. The idea…
32. כי תבואו אל ארץ מושבותיכם ה’תשל”ט
כי תבואו אל ארץ מושבותיכם ה’תשל”ט The Midrash says that this Parsha (of נסכים) was Hashem giving Moshe the instruction and Torah with which to console the Yidden after the מרגלים fiasco. Its consolation has to do with the fact that it is the Torah of Ratzoi and Shov, or Korbanos along with Minchah and…
26. והי’ מדי חודש ה’תשל”ט
והי’ מדי חודש ה’תשל”ט This מאמר is about the constant idea of רצוא ושוב in עבודה which will continue even after משיח comes, but then it will be on an entirely new level. This then is the והי’ מדי חודש בחדשו etc. of לעתיד לבוא. רצוא ושוב on levels where they conflict, on levels where…
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