Class 43, Perek 3, Class 13. Tanya (text based)
נה”י continued. נצח and הוד fight with an opponent. יסוד does what needs to be done and has no opposition. The idea that the lower the level of the נפש, the higher its source, and in this case it is the idea that נה”י are connected to the עצם הנשמה more than חב”ד וחג”ת. This…
להבין ענין כתיבת ספר תורה ה’תש”ל
Class One. Introduction to the idea of edited Ma’amarim. The face has three levels: 1) Large holes [ears, nose, mouth etc.], 2) hair, 3) the face itself. These three levels are understood in two opposite ways, in terms of revelation the first reveals the most, but in the essence the last reveals the essence itself…
Re’ei 14:01 – Banim Atem Lahashem…You are G-d’s Children (5769)
Re’ei 14-01. Banim Atem Lahashem…. You are G-d’s Children. (5769).
Eikev 11:13 – ViHaya Im Shamoa… Uleovdo…(01)(5768)
Eikev 11-13. ViHaya Im Shamoa… Uleovdo… Class One (5768).Avoda Shebilev (The labor or work of the heart) is the Torah denotation for Prayer. Why? Class One.
Eikev 10:12 – Viaata Yisroel (5770)
Eikev 10-12. Viaata Yisroel (5770).Ma Hashem Elokecha Shoel MeImcha Ki Im LiYira….
Vaeschanan 06:07 – ViShinantum Livunecha(5770)
Vaeschanan 06-07. ViShinantum Livunecha. (5770).Teaching your children Torah.
Vaeschanan [06:04 – Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso… (5769/ 2009)
Vaeschanan [06-04. Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso… (5769/ 2009)
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