
364 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Kodesh Yisroel – Class 03

The mashal for the three levels of Ohr lifnei HaTzimtzum: Kochos. each Koach from the point it becomes a Koach (and not only the Yecholes of the Neshama) has three levels (before it reaches the zulas [shetach hamikabel] in poel). They are 1) Koach Hiyuli Atzmi [in the Nefesh and bli gevul. This level has…

A Talk/Farbrengen (5771).

Given to Neshei Chabad in Melbourne Australia. The story of Mesiras Nefesh. It wasn’t a joke then and its message is very serious right now.

A Talk on the Rebbe for 3 Tamuz 5771.

Given in Melbourne Australia.

344 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 06

The fourth level for the source of Neshamos Yisroel: Ein Sof that’s before the Tzimtzum (HaRishon). The mashal of a stone engraved on one side versus the Luchos that were engraved all the way through. Chakika on one side has 1) Makom Achiza Ktzas, 2) The space of the letters can be filled with ink…

Shlach 15:32 – The Mikoshesh (5769)

Shlach 15-32. The Mikoshesh. (5769).What did he do and why.

Shlach 14:17 – To Pray for G-d (5768)

Shlach 14-17. To pray for G-d. (5768).Moshe’s prayer involves “Praising Hashem” to “Raise Him” to a level from which He can forgive us. What does all this mean?

Biha’alosecha 10:01 – The Chatzotzros (Trumpets) (5770)

Biha’alosecha 10-01. The Chatzotzros (Trumpets). (5770).

Nasso 07:48 – The Seventh Nassi was on Shabbos! (5769/2009)

Nasso 2009 – 07-48. The seventh Nasi was on Shabbos! (5769).How did the Nasi of Shevet Efrayim bring a korban on Shabbos? Sources: Chizkuni, Even Ezra, Midrashim, Sicha Vol. 23, 42ff

Nasso 07:09 – Masa HaAron BiKasef (5770)

Nasso 07-09, Masa HaAron BiKasef (5770).The holy Aron must be carried on people’s shoulders.

269 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres 5667 – Class 04

3 levels of Chitzoniyus , Pnimiyus Hachochma and Nekuda Atzmis of Keser are 3 points: 1) Point without Yud, 2) Point of Yud without “Miluy”, 3) Point of Yud with Miluy. Pages 372-3, in new SV pages 490-1.