
14. Boruch Shomer Havtachaso… (5772/2012).

Boruch Shomer HavTachaso- Hashem keeps His promises. This class explores the nature of the promise. Is it past or future? Is it one or two promises?. And what (exactly) was the promise? This class includes: Pirush kadmon, Shibulei HaLeket, Abudraham, Maasei Nissim, Maasei Hashem, Simchas HaRegel (Chida), Maharal, RaMaK, Shela, Yaavetz,and a Sicha

Atta Vichartanu.

Atta Vichartanu, Hashem’s choice in His nation is especially important on Yom Tov, as we fix and sanctify the holidays. Three introductory ideas: 1) Choice, 2) love, 3) will and what they relate to (the three Regalim) and what they mean. Four blessings: 1) Language, 2) Mitzvos, 3) Avoda, inner connection, 4) The name of…

Monday 15 Adar, 5733, February 25 2013.

Ata Kidashta. Ata Kidashata: The beginning of the middle Bracha of the Friday night Davening. Why Shabbos (and Yom Tov) has seven Blessings (rather than nineteen); It begins with Kidusha, like betrothal- formal Marriage that will deepen over Shabbos; the ‘Tachlis’ of all of creation is A. To reward man, B. To bring God down;…

Kigavna. (5772/2012).

The Zoharic section added (relatively recently) to the Kabbalas Shabbos at the expense of Bame’ Madlikin. This class involves a long introduction to all of Kabbalas Shabbos. Kigavna, on Shabbos the lower worlds mirror the Unity and peace that exists (always) in the higher world. On Shabbos the lower and higher worlds A. Mirror each…

Monday 6 MarCheshvan 5773, October 22 2012.

Ata Gibor. Long Version. (5773/2012). The Gevura of Hashem is His containing Himself in His world. Even where there is fault and flaw, rather than destroy and recreate, He works within the confines (gevuros) of His creation, to renew it, and even to bring it back from the dead.

11b Vayevurech Dovid Part two.

A translation of the text. A few points were emphasized; What is a Bracha? Why praise Hashem? What does Boruch mean? Ata? Hu? and Havaya?

02. Wednesday 18 Kislev 5778, December 06 2017, Class Two.

יהי רצון… שיבנה בית המקדש… במהרה בימינו ותן חלקינו בתורתיך Class Two. When we finish קרבנות, we ask for the two things that were missing in this recitation of words (ונשלמה פרים שפתינו). That is that the קרבנות should be physical and actual. This is alluded to in the words במהרה בימינו in time, (חיי…

07 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 28 Iyar 5777/ May 24 2017.

איזהו מקומן Class Seven. The third Mishna inside. 1) This third Mishna marks the end of Korbanos brought inside the Beis HaMikdash. From this point onward all Korbanos were brought on the outer Mizbeach. This means that we are going to be speaking about the heart that comes from the mind, rather than heart that…

06 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 21 Iyar 5777/ May 17 2017. איזהו מקומן

איזהו מקומן Class Six. Inside, the second Mishna. The blood of the חטאת פנימיים which is compared to פנימיות הלב was sprayed only on the פרוכת and the מזבח הפנימי, and not in the קדש הקדשים, but it doesn’t matter that much because on deeper levels separations don’t really separate, they unify. The animal was…