Shemini 10:01 – Nadav and Avihu (5765)
What did they do and what happened to them. Many opinions and ideas are presented, including the Rabbeinu Bechayey [see there end of Mitzora]. Culminating with the famous Or HaChayim Hakadosh.
Kimei Tzaischa 5743 (2).
This class begins with a short discussion on Yom Haatzmaut. This Maamar can be learned in three sections: 1) We link Moshiach to Yetzias Mitzayim, as all of our history is an ongoing continuum of Yerida Tzorech Aliya, where even the lowest moments are part of the Aliya ultimately. 2) Netzach reveals the very essence…
Atzamos Hayeveishos (5767).
On Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach the Haftorah tells the story of the dead that Yechezkel resurrected. This class explores the meaning behind this story and its relationship with Pesach. Class One. Levush, gemara. Class two. Pesukim, Rebbe’s Sicha, Process of regeneration when Techias HaMeisim happens.
38. Ani Lidodi 5726 (Muga)
This Maamar is Muga. First Version (one class). Second Version (in Two Classes) 5780/ 2019 Class One: This class has a long introduction about this Ma’amar and the one from 5732. The question is: Is ודודי לי part of the Avoda of Elul or not? Each Ma’amar gives another answer. How is the King in…
44. ונקדשתי בתוך בני ישראל ה’תשכ”ה (Muga)
Two versions of this מאמר exist: 1) There are three levels of קדושה, two are available to us and the third is not. If we are to reach it, we must become בטל. They are: תפלה, תורה, מצות. 2) We can reach the third level of קדושה as well. They are תורה, מצות, and תשובה….
37. גדול יהי’ כבוד הבית הזה האחרון מן הראשון ה’תשכ”ב
גדול יהי’ כבוד הבית הזה האחרון מן הראשון ה’תשכ”בPDF Class One. If creation was from שם הוי’ה only. Incredibly far and incredibly Bottul. Space and time would not exist at all. Class Two. The world as it is created by the combination of שמות הוי’ ואלקים where the הוי’ה shines through. That is how Godliness…
Kapital 106. (5767).
Short Version. Long Version. Class One. “Mi Yimalel Givurod Hashem” (“Who can speak the strength of Hashem”). Long Version. Class Two. “Ashrei Shomrei Mishpat….Zochreini….Vayigar biYam Suf….” Long Version. Class Three. 1) Korach, 2) Kivros Hata’ava, 3) Miraglim, 4) Eiegel. Long Version. Class Four. 1) Miraglim, 2) Mei Miriva, 3) Mishandling (entry into) Kina’an, 4) Hashems…
05. Pasach Eliyahu 5715 (Muga), (Third of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)
Class One/ Nine (המשך). Nature vs. Miracles, where do they get their energy from and how are they different. Level One: G-dliness is revealed only in miracles; in nature He is hidden. Level Two: Both the miracle and nature are (sustained by) G-dliness, the difference is only from which aspect (name): Miracles from הוי’ה and…
23. Lecha Dodi 5689, 5714 (Muga). (5768).
Another version (5767). Commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe and the Rebbe’s Licha Dodi Maamarim. The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013. (We’re including the Previous Rebbe’s as well). Lecha Dodi 5689. PDF The Maamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence…
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