
Tzav 06:03 – Haramas Hadeshen (2011)

Tzav 06-03. Haramas Hadeshen, (5771).There was a special Mitzva to remove ash from the Mizbeach (altar) daily. This was besides the need to remove the ash from the Beis Hamikdash all together. This bit of ash was actually left to sink into the earth in the Beis Hamikdash itself. What does this Mitzva mean? This…

Vayikra 04:02 – עולה חטאת ואשם in This Order (5777)

This is a class that explores the three קרבנות of חטאת עולה אשם and the fact that they are in this order. It is a part of תפילה class given at Machon LiYahadus in 5777.

Vayikra 02:13 – Salt and Korbonos (2009)

02-13. ברית מלח Vayikra – 2009 – Every korbon is brought with salt- why. A number of interpretations.Sources: Rashi, E. Ezra, Midrash, R. Bechayey, Tosfos, Ramban, Rikanti, Arizal, Panim yafos l’ Torah

08. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני – מוגה) 5712

08. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני – מוגה) 5712 Basi Ligani 5712 deals with Korbonos: 1) Sacrifice first requires examining and perfecting the animal, then removing the (animal ) passion, then using the flesh (gashmiyus) for Kedusha. Even a sinner can if he wishes bring a Korbon to Havaya and even higher. 2) The Korbon (from…

Vayakhel 35:01 – First Possuk (5767)

35-01. The First Possuk, Gathering the People. This class digs deeply into the first half of the first pasuk in this parsha. Sources include: Rashi (and a sicha on Rashi from the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Even Ezra, Ramban, R.Bechaye, Tur, Arizal (one niglah commentary and one nistar), and a maamar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe from 1981.

Ki Tisa 33:04~05 – The Eidim (5769)

Ki Tisa 33-04, 05. The Eidim (5769).The Yidden were given what is often called crowns at Mattan Torah that were taken away after they sinned. These adornments are called Eidim. What were they and did they mean?

Ki Tisa 30:12 – First Possuk (5771/2011)

Ki Tisa 30-12. First Possuk, (5771/2011).

Titzave 28:36 – The Tzitz (5769)

The headplate worn by the Kohen Godol.