Vaera 07:09 – The STAFF
Moshe is commanded: tell Aharon to throw his staff to the ground and it will become a serpent, as a divine sign to the Pharaoh. This is the only sign the Pharaoh gets before the plagues.
Vaera 07:01 – Moshe’s Mission (5769).
Hashem insists on Moshe speaking for Him despite his handicap. Moshe will speak for Hashem and Aharon will be his communicator (“prophet”).
Vaeira 06:02 – First Possuk in the Parsha – From Galus to Geula (5767)
Posted on November 2, 2017 by Rabbi PaltielThe parsha deals with the plagues – as soon as the plagues started the slavery ended. This is the beginning of the geula from Mitzrayim (Egypt). This class continues our series of analysis of the first pasuk (line) of the parsha. Hashem is in the middle of talking to Moshe and…
Shmos 04:11 – “Mi Sam Pe LaAdam…” (5766)
“Mi Sam Pe LaAdam…”. Moshe claims he can’t lead the nation because of his speech impediments, and Hashem explains that He is the master of all.
Shmos 02:14 – Achein Noda Hadavar (5769)
Achein Noda Hadavar. Moshe learned an unpleasant truth about his people. This reflected a deficiency of faith on his part.
Shmos 01:13 – Vayaavidu…biFarech (5771)
Vayaavidu…biFarech. What does “Farech” mean? Hard work, 2) Sweet talk, 3) crumbled, 4) A Wall, 5) Questions. Watch all these five ideas converge in an incredible teaching from the “Meor Ainayim” (Reb Nochum of Chernobel).
Shmos – Overview (5772/2012).
Shmos, it’s the epitome of golus and is somehow already linked to the Geula.
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