Vayishlach 32:14 – The Mincha Yaakov sent Eisav (5771)
Yaakov slept. Then arose and took what came to his hand and sent it to Eisav as a Mincha (offering). Why did he sleep? What does come to hand mean? Why is it called a Mincha. This class has Chizkuni, Rashi, Ramban, Radak, Abarbanel, Rabeinu Bachaya, Alshich, Maase Hashem, Toras Yonason (Aibeshits), Rikanti, Chassidus (Likutei…
The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013.
Lecha Dodi 5689. The Maaamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence brings to deeper influences until the ultimate influence the converging of two into one (in children). The examples 1) teacher and students, 2) Father and son, how it is in darkness (Galus) to light…
Vayetzei 32:01 – “Vayashkeim Lavan Baboker”
“Vayashkeim Lavan Baboker”. Yaakov and Lavan finally depart. What terms did they collectively agree to?
Vayetzei 28:12 – The Ladder in Yaakov’s Dream
Vayetzei 28-12.VAYETZE 2005 – CLIMB UP TO KABBALA CLASSESYaakov’s dream, what does the ladder and all the rest mean? This class discusses the ladder in the dream of Yaakov Avinu. Is it a real ladder or a metaphor? If a metaphor, what does it mean? What are angels? What are sefiros? Rabbi Paltiel takes you…
Toldos 26:12 – Vayizra Yitzchok
Vayizra Yitzchok….Yitzchok planted and found one hundred measures and Hashem blessed him. What is the blessing that follows the blessing of a hundred measures. (Rashi, Sforno, Midrash, Ralbag, Alshich, Panim Yafos, Rikanti, Reb Yonoson Aibeshitz, Sicha (LKUS vol. 5 p. 126-7).
Toldos – Overview (5772/2011).
Toldos Yitzchok, is it his work (Eisav) or his children (Yaakov). A unique spin on the Parsha.
A CHASSIDSHE MONTH – KISLEV! CLASSES In Kislev we should remember and focus on the joy of Yiddishkeit. This class is full of Chassidishe stories on the theme of “What is Chassidus” to start the month with warmth and inspiration. There is some material on Rosh Chodesh Kislev but this is really a broad discussion…
Chayey Sara 24:62 – Yitzchok was returning from ”Mibo Lachai Roi”
Yitzchok was returning from ”Mibo Lachai Roi”.
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