Chayey Sara 23:09 – Mearas HaMachpeila ~ A Cave of Many Layers
The Mearas HaMachpeila. CHAYE SARA 2005 – A CAVE OF MANY LAYERSThe double cave where the parents (of the world) are interred. It’s deeper meaning. What is the importance of the Mearas HaMachpelah (the Cave of Machpelah)? The build up to the Chassidic interpretation includes many commentators: Rashi, Eben Ezra, Rashbam, Ramban, Rikanti, and more….
Vayera 22:01 – The Test of the Akeida
The test of the Akeida. What is the meaning of a test altogether? Doesn’t He know who we are and what we’ll choose? VAYEIRA 2006 – FROM THE POTENTIAL TO THE ACTUAL This is a powerful class on the question of why Hashem tested Avraham and why he tests us. The classic commentaries explain that…
Vayera 21:01 – VaHavaya Pakad Es Sarah (5773/2012).
VaHavaya Pakad Es Sarah. 1) Why the closeness to Avimelech’s story?, 2) Why the repetition? 3) What is the difference between Pakad and Asa? 4) and between Amar and Dibber? Rashi, RaDaK, Chizkuni, Sforno, Alshich, Kli Yakar, Reb Yonasan Aibeshitz, Maamar 5643.
Vayera 19:24 VaHashem Himtir Al Sedom
VaHashem Himtir Al Sedom… AND Hashem rained down on Sedom…from HASHEM…how do we read this conflicted Possuk.
Lech Lecha – Avrohom’s Tests.
LECH LECHA 2005 – TEN TESTS OF AVRAHAM AVINU The shiur focuses on how the tests are enumerated and is relatively advanced. Two opinions (Pirkei d’Rab Eliezer and Rambam) are mentioned about which were included in the tests. A commentary is offered to explain the basis for the argument.
The key themes of Succos are harvest and livelihood. This class delves deeper focusing on the specific practice of Hashaanos (a part of the Succos services in which we beg Hashem to help us). This fast paced class draws on a wide range of sources including Gemara, Rambam, Rashi and the Levush. An intermediate to…
Class #14.
Continued. MehisAvus HaOr Nishavu HaKeilim. The lowering of the Light, causes the Kelim’s (vessel’s) emergence.
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