Vayelech 31:19 – The new “Song” that the Jews must Write
The new “song” Jews must write refers to what? The whole Torah or Haazinu.
Ki Tavo 28:08 – The Idea that Blessing Rests on What is Hidden (“Baasamecha”)(5769)
The Bracha in What is Hidden
Ki Tavo 26:17 – Heemarta Heemircha. Hashem’s favoritism for us and ours for Him (5767)
Now that the mitzvos have been presented it is time to focus on doing them. This concept is discussed and then goes on to focus on “He’emarcha…he’eamircha”. Sources include: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Gemara, Rosh, Alshich, ma’amar, sicha (references to follow).
The King in the field analogy, Manchester England (2020).
Manchester England (Zoom) Elul 5720 (2020)The King is in the field for all no matter what.The story carries through all of Elul- Tishrei in the Mashal and the Nimshal.
Shoftim 18:13 – Whole, Sincere, and Simple (5767/ 2007)
Shoftim 18-13 (5767/ 2007) – Whole, Sincere, and SimpleThis class for Parshas Shoftim analyzes the Possuk, “Tamim tihye Hashem Elokecha” and brings home the point that a Jew should rely on Hashem plain and simple. Sources include RaShI, Even Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, Alshich, Shach, Likutei Torah and a Ma’amar (5672). Women’s and Girl’s Beis Midrash…
Nitzavim 30:11 – Ki Hamitzva… To What Mitzva is this (STAM MITZVA) Referring? (5767)
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