Acharei-Kedoshim 17:07 – Seiirim – Shedim. Form of lowly avoda zara (5770/ 2010)
17-07. Acharei-Kedoshim – 2010 Seiirim – shidim. Form of lowly avoda zara Offering to other gods is called “offering to Seiirim” (the demons). What does this mean?Sources: Gemara, Rambam, E. Ezra, Ramban, Alshich, Chasam Sofer, Zohar
Chukas 19:02 – Para Aduma (The Red Heifer)(2007)
First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. This is a wonderful shiur on the classic question of why the Para Aduma (the Red Heifer) is considered “the” archetypal chok¹ in the Torah. Rabbi Paltiel quickly and clearly guides the listener through a powerful collection of sources ending with deep insights from Chassidus. Sources include: Rashi (a…
Balak 2007 – A Detailed Analysis of Balak’s Motivation
This class will give you deep insight into the story of Balak. Sources covered: Rashi (with interpretation from Ra’av, Taz, a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Eben Ezra, Sforna, Tur, Abarbanel, Alshich, Shela, and a ma’amar from the Rebbe. As part of studying the ma’amar, Rabbi Paltiel gives some useful clarifications of kabbalistic terms and…
Vaeschanan – Moshe Rabbenu’s Plea to Go Into Eretz Yisroel (2007)
There are many different and surprising commentaries on Moshe Rabbenu’s plea to Hashem to go into Eretz Yisroel. This class covers many as well as Chassidus.
Re’ei 15:04, 11 – Tzedaka and Poverty (5767/ 2007)
Re’ei 15-04, 11. (5767/ 2007) – Tzedaka and PovertyThis class addresses the issues of Tzedaka and poverty. Specifically, the question of whether or not there will always be poor people even if we serve Hashem. Sources include Abarbanel, RaShI, Even Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, Riva, Etz HaDa’as Tov, and a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Women’s…
Terumah 25:02 – Give Yourself To Me (2007)
25-02. Give Yourself to Me. First Pasuk in the Parsha Series – Terumah installment. A lively discussion of “Daber el-beney Yisra’el veyikchu-li trumah me’et kol-ish asher yidvenu libo tikchu et-trumati”. (“Speak to the Israelites and have them bring Me an offering. Take My offering from everyone whose heart impels him to give”). Sources include Rashi,…
Chukas 21:27 – Bo’u Cheshbon: Bilaam’s Curse of Moav (5768/ 2008)
Chukas 21-27. Bo’u Cheshbon (5768/ 2008) – Bilaam’s Curse of MoavSources: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ralbag, Bava Basra, B. Yehoyada, Ma’amar 5696, 5670
Vaeschanan 06:04 – Shema Yisroel (01) – Why Two (names) Hashems in the Shema? (2007)
Vaeschanan 06-04 (Class One on Shma) 2007 – Why Two (names) Hashems in the Shema?Part one of a wonderful mini-series on Shema Yisroel. This first class addresses the question of why there are two instances of Hashem’s name in Shema Yisroel. Please note: the part of the recording that has been treated to eliminate excessive…
Eikev 07:12 – A Real and Reliable Reward (5767/2007)
Eikev 07-12. (5767/ 2007) – A Real and Reliable RewardThe Eikev installment of the advanced First Pasuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Rashi, E. Ezra, Ramban, Sforno, the Tur, Yalkut, Alshich, Etz Hada’as Tov, Ralbag, a Ma’amar and Sichos (references coming).
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