
The Rebbe Rayatz – The Liberation

An amazing shiur on the episode of the liberation of the Previous Rebbe. Moving stories brought to life by Rabbi Paltiel.

Miketz 41:01 – Dreams (2005)

This class goes into detail regarding the difference between dreams of no substance and those with prophetic content. Sources include Rambam, R. Bachaye, sichos and more.

Kedoshim 19:19 – Kedoshim – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)(2006)

Kedoshim 19-19. [Achrei Mos -] Kedoshim 2006 – Kilayim (Forbidden Mixtures)This class presents a detailed discussion of the negative mitzvah of kilayim (forbidden mixtures of species) that is introduced in this parsha. Sources include Rashi, Rambam, Even Ezra, Ramban, Rabeinu Bechaye, and a maamar from the Rebbe Rashab from 5678.

Emor 22:32 – Chilul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem

Emor- Chilul Hashem and Kiddush Hashem, 5766.V’lo sichalelu venikdashti- pasukim lamed aleph through gimmel Sources: E. Ezra, Sforno, Ramban, Gemara, Zohar, Shach, Ch. Sofer, Gemara, Rambam, S. Hamitzvos, R. Bechayey, D. Mitzvosecha.This class is too long so it’s been divided, the first part is (short) everything until the RaMabaM, the second (larger) part is the…

Matos 30:02 – First Possuk – Halachos of Nedarim (2007)

This installment in the First Pasuk Series examines the question of why the halachos of nedarim (laws of vows) are presented so late in the Chumash. Sources include Rashi, Eben Ezra, Ramban, Rashbam, Tur, Abarbanel, Alshich, and a 4 excerpts from the Parshas Masei sections of the Hemshech Te’Rav.

Beshalach 13:17 – First Possuk Series – A Healthy Simcha (5767)

Beshalach 13-17. First Possuk. (5767)This class is on Parshas Beshalach but it ends with an inspirational idea for Purim! This class is part of the continuing series on the first pasuk of the parsha and discusses why the fear of contact with the Plishtim is the starting point for this parsha. Sources include: Rashi, Even…

Pinchas 25:11 – First Possuk – Pinchas’ Zealous Act and Its Impact (2007)

Pinchas 25-11 First Possuk – 2007 – Pinchas’ Zealous Act and Its ImpactThis installment in the First Pasuk Series examines in detail the circumstances surrounding the action Pinchas took to stop the eruption of sin within the Jewish camp. Sources include: Rashi (with commentary from a sicha by the Lubavitcher Rebbe), Eben Ezra, Ramban, Sforno,…

Lectures on Kabbala.

This enjoyable talk was given on the last day of a Shabbaton held in Crown Heights in 2007 (Shabbos Terumah). The original title was the Kabbala Craze and the focus is on how Kabbalistic and Chassidic philosophy fit into spiritual life. This talk is at an introductory level and is not text based. The question…

L’David Hashem Ori – Special Tehilla for Elul

An in-depth analysis of L’David Hashem Ori (By David: Hashem is My Light and My Salvation) the special tehilla (psalm) that is added to the daily prayers beginning in the month of Elul and continuing until Hoshana Rabba. Kapitel (Psalm) 27 is recited during the daily prayers from the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul…