
Bamidbar 04:05 – Bigdei HaSerad (5766)(01)

Traveling Garments for the Keilim (Vessels) of the Mishkan. Class One.

Matos 31:02 – Haichaltzu: Define – Recognize – and Stop Senseless Hatred (5767/2007)

Matos 31-02. Haichaltzu (5767) 2007 – Define, Recognize, and Stop Senseless HatredIn this moving class, Rabbi Paltiel focuses on the theme of the famous ma’amar Heichaltzu (stopping senseless hatred and developing ahavas yisroel – loving a fellow Jew) written by the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber Schneersohn). Before the Chassidus, the foundation of…

Titzave 28:02 – The Kohen’s clothes were “Lkovd ulSifares” (beautiful)(5768)(02)

Several different allusions are made to the beauty of these clothes. What do they mean? Class Two.

Titzave 28:02 – The Kohen’s clothes were “Lkovd ulSifares” (beautiful)(5768)(01)

Several different allusions are made to the beauty of these clothes. What do they mean? Class One.

BeHar 25:14 – Kinyanim (5768)(02)

Behar 25-14. Kinyanim.- the laws of acquisition. (How does one posses something according to the Torah). (5768). Class two.

Teruma 25:23 – The SHULCHAN (01)

Class One. This class includes Rashi, Ramban, Rabeinu Bechayey, Sforno, Midrash Hagadol, Kli Yaka, Shach.

Tazria 12:02 ff – Tumas Yoledes (5768)(02)

A three part discussion on the details of the Tuma associated with childbirth. Class Two.