Tazria 12:02 ff – Tumas Yoledes (5768)(01)
A three part discussion on the details of the Tuma associated with childbirth. Class One.
Ki Tisa 34:06 – The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (01)
Part One. A three class series providing a deep examination of the Yud Gimmel Middos Harachamim (the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy).¹ This first class focuses on how the 13 attributes are enumerated. This is an intermediate to advanced level class which discusses in detail the wide range of commentaries on how this enumeration should be…
Pekudei 38:21 – Aile’ Pikudei: the 1st Possuk (01)
Class One. This is the regular Parsha Class. Includes Rashi, Even Ezra, Ramban, sforno, Midrash, Rabbeinu Bichayey (quite interesting), R. Yonoson (Aibeshitz).
Yisro 18:11 – Ata Yadati (now I know…) (5768) (02)
Yisro’s acknowledgment of Hashem was very significant. What (precisely) does it mean? Class Two.
Yisro 18:11 – Ata Yadati (now I know…) (5768) (01)
Yisro’s acknowledgment of Hashem was very significant. What (precisely) does it mean? Class One. Class Two.
Tazria 12:02 ff – Tumas Yoledes (5768)(03)
A three part discussion on the details of the Tuma associated with childbirth. Class Three.
BeHar 25:14 – Kinyanim (5768)(01)
Behar 25-14. Kinyanim.- the laws of acquisition. (How does one possess something according to the Torah). (5768). Class One.
Pekudei 38:28 – 1775 Remaining Shekalim of Silver (5768)(02)
This Possuk was interpreted by the Alter rebbe as a “Ketz” (date for Moshiach’s coming.) This class explores this and much more. Class One. Class Two.
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