Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 192 ff – Yisro comes to better himself: to bridge mind and action (04)
Yisro True Freedom (143)(04) Likutei Sichos vol 16 page 192 ff Class Four.The numbers 3 and 4 and joining opposites.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 27 p 191 ff – Two Tekufos of Yemos HaMashiach (02)
Bechukosai Likutei Sichos vol 27 page 191 ff. Class Two.Contradictions in RaMbaM that require the two stages in the times of Moshiach.1) The RaMbaM Paskens that the Neviim only saw Yemos HaMoshiach, which means that there WILL be שינוי מנהגו של עולם in Yemos HaMoshaich.2) The RaMbaM Paskens that wearing weapons on Shabbos is carrying…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 27 p 191 ff (01) Barren trees will bear fruit
Bechukosai Likutei Sichos vol 27 page 191 ff. Class One.The question: how to resolve the opinion of RaMbaM that Moshiach is a natural time with the Toras Kohanim and Gemara in Kesubos that barren trees will bear fruit?First attempted answer: The Radbaz, the difference between Eretz Yisroel and the entire world.Second attempted answer: The Avodas…
07 Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), (Machon Chana) Class 2
Vayehi Achar (the Akeida), Class Two.WEDNESDAY 4 KISLEV 5775/ NOVEMBER 26 2014Vayehi Achar Class Two. There are many reasons to say VaYehi Achar and though the idea has been around since the Zohar, it was not said until the last few hundred years or so. This class explores why it has been recently incorporated into…
08. Lech Lecha 5738 (Muga)
Lech Lecha 5738.There are two journeys:1) From higher to lower; this is the journey of Avrohom to engage with the world; it is the journey of every Neshama as it descends from heaven to earth.This is also linked to the idea of ViYaakov Halach Lidarko after Tishrei.2) From lower to higher, from Avoda Zara to…
07. Mayim Rabim 5738 (Muga)
Mayim Rabim 5738.This single class ma’amar introduces revolutionary ideas about teshuva. The Alter Rebbe says that the “real reason” for the Neshama’s decent into this world is for Teshuva.In addition to understanding this basically (doing Teshuva after an error) there is the deeper idea: the very departure and return of the Neshama is a journey…
Three Talks on Chinuch ideas questions and answers, going into the 5721 (2020-2021) School year
Talk one.Given to teachers over zoom ideas about dealing with the Chinuch now (in general and after quarantine especially). Talk Two. Educating the children and Moshiach and faith and Temimus, sincerity, Talk Three.Questions and answers, some opinions and thoughts. This talk is a bit more informal feeling which is nice. Also it is a more…
The Rebbe. (5770). A three part series (given at the BESHT) – Class 1
The Rebbe Class One. In the first class are some stories about the Rebbe’s early life.
Stories about The Rebbe – Class 3
The Yud SHVAT story (5766). The Previous Rebbe’s passing and the Rebbe’s ascent to leadership.
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