24. Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 (Ma’amar of 11 Nissan) (Muga)
Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 PDF Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class One.This class includes Perek 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 of the Ma’amar.The questions are raised (in the beginning) and resolved (in the end). Which comes first, Yidden’s choosing Hashem? or Hashem’s choosing Yidden? and the answer… His choosing Yidden allows Yidden to choose…
23. Ze Yitnu 5738 (Ma’amar of Parshas Shekalim).
Ze Yitnu 5738 (Ma’amar of Parshas Shekalim). 1) Two half Shekels, you give a half and get whole (and there are many versions of this. In this Ma’amar, they are): the half of the Neshama in the body brings to us the half that is above the body.2) Everybody is the same (they give “only”…
22. Vikibel Hayehudim 5738
Vikibel Hayehudim 5738 Class One. This class encompasses almost all of the Ma’amar.The idea is that Purim, (one of our lowest points in history,) could be higher and be the conclusion (קיום) of what started at Har Sinai, (the highest point in our history.) The ideas of 1) Personal work (rather than from above) and…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 173 ff – Shabbos and the Manna: it’s a miracle but you must do something
Beshalach Exile and Redemption (132) Likutei Sichos vol 16 page 173 ff Shabbos and the Manna, it’s a miracle but you must do something.On one level the Manna is called לחם מן השמים it came from heaven with no effort.On another level, the fact that it is connected to the לחם מן הארץ we would…
44. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724
Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724PDF Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class One. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Two. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Three. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Four. Ketz Som Lachosehch 5724Class Five.
04. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731 (Muga)
Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731PDF Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class One. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Two. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Three.
Exile and Redemption (131) – Shabbos (before Mattan Torah) and the Manna
Beshalach Exile and Redemption (131) Shabbos (before Matan Torah) and the Manna A very important but often overlooked aspect of Parshas Beshalach is the fact that Yidden received some Mitzvos at Mara, including Shabbos (Para Aduma and Dinim).The idea of Mitzvos before Mattan Torah is explored here, using the model of “organized religion” vs “personal…
10. Basi Ligani 5720
10. Basi Ligani 5720 Class One.Review of the Hemshech.This is the last class to the first half: The purpose, make this world a home for Him through Iskafia and Ishapcha.This chapter, Dira BiTachtonim, the idea of Nisaveh, above a question.The Ba’al Shem Tov warning against false humility considering that what we do He monitors and…
Vayera 18:21 Airda Na (2005)
Vayera 18:21 Airda Na (2005) The Torah has numerous anthropomorphic allusions to Hashem: “Hashem said”, “Hashem saw”, “Hashem was walking in the garden”, “Hashem was depressed”, and so on. One of the places in Torah where this is discussed is in parshas Vayera. In the story of S’dom, the Almighty has a conversation with Avraham…
03. Ulkachtem 5739 (Muga)
Ulkachtem Lachem 5739 [Introduction: there are two sides to the purpose of creation: 1) Narrow, it is about Yidden and everything and everybody else serves this goal 2) Broad, the purpose is the world as a whole, and as such everything and everybody serve Hashem directly.] Tishrei has two dimensions A בכסא B ליום חגינו[…
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