Toras Menachem – Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5713 (08)- 9 Kislev 5713 (at an upsherenish) (02)
Class Eight. 1) Chanuka and Alter Rebbe’s geula message; 2)Ata Echod, connected to the Mitteler Rebbe’s Maamar said as he was being freed. Page 191-3. Unfinished.
10. Pada BiShalom 5737 (First of three Ma’amarim in a Series) 10 Kislev.
Pada BiShalom 5737 (First of three Ma’amarim in a Series) 10 Kislev, Class One.Lavan’s Kiss and Yaakov’s JourneyThis is a maamar within a maamar. The “outer ring” (beginning and end) of the Ma’amar is based on the classic work of the Mitteler Rebbe by this name, it discusses the idea of Pada BiShalom, the issue…
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