08. VaHavaya Amar 5737
VaHavaya Amar 5737, Class One.This unique Ma’amar explores the two Ma’amarim of Parshas Vayera in the Hemshech Samach Vov, from the two years 5606 and 5607. Both of them deal with Hashem’ special love for Avrohom because of how he will raise his children.But there are differences.What emerges is this: the first Ma’amar speaks of…
The Rebbe. (5770). A three part series (given at the BESHT) – Class 2
The Rebbe Class Two. Classes two and three explore some of the Rebbe’s unique hashkafa priorities. Theses classes (are of course not meant to be definitive. They do (however) provide some food for thought about some very important ideas and attitudes.
Tazriah – Tumah And Tevilah (Impurity And Immersion)(2006)
A brief overview of different types of tumah (impurity) and purification methods, highlights the importance of tevilah in a kosher mikveh (immersion in a body of water that meets certain halachic requirements). This is followed by an outline of the philosophy of tumah (impurity) and tahara (purity). The remainder of the class is dedicated to…
28 Nissan 5751 and Purim 5747 (5780)
28 Nissan 5751 and Purim 5747 (5780)“I’m giving it over to you…”The story, the background and the proofs the Rebbe gave and the proposals the Rebbe made to how WE can (and must) bring Moshiach
24. Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 (Ma’amar of 11 Nissan) (Muga)
Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731 PDF Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class One.This class includes Perek 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 of the Ma’amar.The questions are raised (in the beginning) and resolved (in the end). Which comes first, Yidden’s choosing Hashem? or Hashem’s choosing Yidden? and the answer… His choosing Yidden allows Yidden to choose…
04. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731 (Muga)
Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731PDF Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class One. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Two. Halelu Es Hashem Kol Goyim 5731Class Three.
59. Bila Hamaves Lanetzach 5725 (Muga)
Bila Hamaves Lanetzach 5725.This class was given at 770 in a large event, it has an introduction for about 10 minutes on the Rebbetzin.The idea of the Ma’amar is that immortality is natural and death is an introduction (unnatural) as a response for there being evil in the world, connected to the original sin of…
Kashrus- the spirit of the law
Kosher an overview. This class includes many stories and inspirational anecdotes from the Rebbe and others to support keeping kosher not only to the letter of the law but also to its spirit. We touch on לא תאכל כל תועבה that what is not Kosher is abominable. The Rebbe introduced the two Mivtzoim Kosher and…
13. Basi Lgani 5719 (Muga)
Class One: This class has a long introduction about the story of Basi Ligani. It also includes Perek 1, 6. This Perek ends the discussion about transforming Klipa to Kedusha, in this case, the letters ר, ק to the letters ד, ה. It is explained based on the Possuk גער חית קנה to transform Masculine and feminine קליפה…
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