
Soul (Avrohom) and body (Exodus from Egypt) and the birth of a nation (5778/ 2018).

A talk given in Minnesota on the meaning of the Jewish people. The Jewish Soul relates back to Avrohom Avinu. The Jewish Body relates to the time the Jewish people left Egypt, crossed the Yam Suf, received the Torah, and were Chosen. A nation is צבו”ר= צדיקים בינונים ורשעים. A nation means even the worst…


The Chassidus of Learning Torah. The 2nd shiur in a 2-part series on the Chassidus of Tefillah (Prayer) and Learning Torah. Each shiur is self-standing

Parenting – It’s Never Too Late

This is a wonderful talk on parenting that will make you laugh and provide you with many useful ideas whether you are planning to be a parent, in the middle of raising children, or a grandparent. Teachers will also find much value here. The talk was originally given on the occasion of Pesach Sheni but…

Devarim 01:01 – First Possuk (5767/2007)

Devarim 01-01. First Possuk. (5767/ 2007). The Intent of Moshe Rabbeinu’s Final Address.Rabbi Paltiel begins with an introduction to this fifth and final Book of the Chumash. The class then follows with an analysis of the first Possuk (line) of the Parsha. The classic commentaries disagree on the intention underlying Moshe Rabbeinu’s final address to…

Balak 22:05 – Bilaam and his Prophecy (5770)

Balak 22-05. Bilaam and his prophecy. (5770).What does it all mean?

Chukas 20:08 – Mei Meriva (5769)

Chukas 20-08. Mei Meriva. (5769).Why and what brought about Moshe’s hitting the rock? And… what was the sin?

Korach 16:30 – A New Creation (5770)

Korach 16-30. A new creation. (5770).Moshe predicts that Korach won’t die naturally even if it will require a new creation.

Shlach 15:18 – Chala (5770)

Shlach 15-18. Chala. (5770).Some insights into this Mitzva.

Nasso 06:22 – Birchas Kohanim (5766)(01)

Nasso 06- 22. Birchas Kohanim (5766), Class One.This class on Parshas Nasso covers the Birchas Kohanim which is a part of the YomTov service in which the Kohanim bless the congregation. Sources include Rashi, Rashbam, Baal Haturim, Ralbag, Chinuch, Rabbenu Bechye, Rikanti, and a Sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.