5. Amar Rav Eluzur Ben Azaria. (5767).
Rebbe, Machzor Vitri, Otzar HaTefilla, Maharal, Ramak, Maasei Hashem, Kabbala.
4. Maase’ bRabi Eliezer…(5767).
Rebbe, Otzar HaTefilla, Maharal, Maasei Hashem, Shela, Sicha, Kabala.
07. Wednesday 19 MarCheshvan 5778, November 08 2017, Class Seven.
ר’ ישמעאל אומר Class Seven. תולעת יעקב continued (4). In this class מדות numbered 8-11. יצא ממנו as Torah departs from the world of light and enlightenment it is challenged and must be preserved although it is outside the
08 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 13 Sivan 5777/ June 7 2017.
איזהו מקומן Class Eight. The third Mishna continued. The continuation addresses the interface of infinite and finite, which is compared to a fist (infinite) and fingers (finite but precise). These ideas are represented by: A) The כבש (ramp) and the קרנות (horns) on the corners of the מזבח B)The blood above the חוט הסיקרא placed…
05 Aizehu Mikoman Wednesday 14 Iyar 5777/ May 10 2017. איזהו מקומן
איזהו מקומן Class Five. Inside, the first Mishna פר ושעיר של יום הכיפורים. This class (and IYH those that will follow) is based on the design established in class 4, dividing קרבנות into three areas: 1) What one sacrifices to Hashem unconditionally. 2) What we get back as שפע (רוחני) ע”י הדם through the blood….
BeHar 25:02 – First possuk in the Parsha What does “Behar Sinai” mean? (5767)
First possuk in the Parsha. (5767).In this shiur on parshas Behar the first pasuk is analyzed. Why are the words b’har Sinai in the first pasuk? Why is Sinai mentioned together with shmitta (here after mishkan)? Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Alshich, Rachav, and a sicha.
Emor 22:32 – Mesiras Nefesh al Kidush Hashem (5766)
Mesiras Nefesh al Kidush Hashem (5766).This class addresses the mitzva of Kiddush Hashem – sanctification of G-d’s name. This class is a must for those who love Rambam. Plus several exciting insights from Chassidus (references to follow).
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