05. Pasach Eliyahu 5715 (Muga), (Third of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)
Class One/ Nine (המשך). Nature vs. Miracles, where do they get their energy from and how are they different. Level One: G-dliness is revealed only in miracles; in nature He is hidden. Level Two: Both the miracle and nature are (sustained by) G-dliness, the difference is only from which aspect (name): Miracles from הוי’ה and…
Titzave 28:06 – The Aifod (5771/ 2071)
The apron that was behind the Kohein Godol fastened to the Choshen (breastplate) was more than a fastener. Does the Aifod have something about itself independent from the Choshen? find out! This class includes a Midrash, Rikanti, Yonos (Aibeshitz), Chasam Sofer, The Tzemach Tzedek, chizkuni and a Sicha (vol. 31).
Mishpatim 24:10 – Vayiru Es Elokei Yisroel….
The Yidden at Har Sinai “saw” G-D(liness). What does this mean? What do the philosophers say about this (and similar) question(s); and what do the mystics say. A deep and insightful class that includes Rasag, Rashi, Rambam (and reb Avrohom ben haRambam), and a Maamar (5719).
Bo 12:41 and 12:51 – Tzivos Hashem (5770)
The Yidden leaving mitzrayim (Egypt) are called Tzivos (army) and Tzivos Hashem (Hashem’s army). What does all this mean?
Chayey Sara 24:21 – Eliezer’s Wager
Eliezer’s wager. CHAYE SARA 2009 He was surprised by the positive result.
Machar Chodesh 5744.
Class One. Introduction a perfect world versus and imperfect world even at the highest levels. The classic theme of Machar Chodesh is repeated here. Yonasan is blessed in so many ways but he knows that the truth is with Dovid and he surrenders to his Bittul, calls it out and enhances it. Class Two. Yonasan…
Re’ei 11:26 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)(2007)
Re’ei 11-26 2007 – Blessings and Curses (First Possuk Series)In depth analysis of the blessings and curses in Parshas Re’ei in this installment of the First Possuk in the Parsha Series. Sources include: Yalkut, E. Ezra, RaMbaN, Sforno, R. Bechaye, Alshich, Etz HaDa’as Tov, Ma’amar.
Ki Teitzei 22:08 – Building a Home that is a G-dly Edifice (The Mitzva of ‘Maake”) (5767/ 2007)
Ki Teitzei 22-08 (5767/ 2007) – Building a Home that is a G-dly Edifice (The Mitzva of ‘Maake”)In depth analysis of the pasuk “Ki tivneh bayit chadash ve’asita ma’akeh legagecha velo-tasim damim beveytecha ki-yipol hanofel mimenu (When you build a new house, you must place a guard-rail around your roof)” (Ki Teitzei, 22.8).¹ Sources include:…
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