Bamidbar 01:01 – The Importance of Details (5767/ 2007)
Bamidbar 01-01 (5767/ 2007) – The Importance of DetailsThis shiur based on the first Possuk in the Parsha – discusses the importance of details. Sources: Rash, Taz, E. Ezra, R. Bechaye, RaMbaN, Tur, Yalkut, Alshich, Rikanti, A Ma’amar and a Sicha – Bamidbar Sinai B’Ohel Moed B’echod L’Chodesh, B’Shana Hasheinis references to follow
Devarim 2007 – The Intent of Moshe Rabbenu’s Final Address
Rabbi Paltiel begins with an introduction to this fifth and final Book of the Chumash. The class then follows with an analysis of the first pasuk (line) of the parsha. The classic commentaries disagree on the intention underlying Moshe Rabbenu’s final address to the Jewish people – is he criticizing them or not? Follow the…
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