
07. Abayey Class Seven. Wednesday 14 Kislev 5777/ December 14 2016. אביי

07. אביי Class Seven. Reading concluded. After a day’s ascent, comes the night which is higher than the day, as is the order of the Korban day: from morning to morning.

05. Abayey Class Five. Wednesday 29 Marcheshvan 5777/ November 30 2016. אביי

05. אביי Class Five. Reading inside continued. דישון מזבח הפנימי= אהבה בכל לבבך הטבת שתי נרות= אהבה בכל נפשך קטרת= אהבה בכל מאדך The higher one’s Avoda the deeper and the more perfect the Birur of the Klipa and the Animal Soul must be. [אברים= תענוג מאלקות [אהבה בתענוגים

03. Abayey Class Three Wednesday 15 Marcheshvan 5777/ November 16 2016. אביי

03. אביי Class Three. PDF The first few lines of the text. Abayey and Chava both have to do with creation. Order is a good thing. Abba Shaul= חכמה ובינה. The fires are the inner and outer heart and they need to be sweetened. Three fires and then the two logs of wood.