Toras Menachem – B’chukosai 5713 (02)
Class Two. Shavuos preparation: Achdus. Torah Achdus is deeper than simply getting along, it requires work (a discussion). Page 169-71.
Ulkachtem Lachem 5744.
Sukkos is all about Achdus in various aspects: 1) The Four Minim are all naturally inclined towards divisiveness, but they are never the less unified; they become the basis for the Achdus of Lulav: joining together for the Mitzvah of Daled Minim. 2) The Sukka itself unifies (in theory) all the Jews in the world….
Farbrengen 5776, Hakhel year.
Farbrengen 5776, Hakhel year. Part one. Introduction, story lesson and blessings. Part Two. Hakhail, a creation of the Rebbe straight from the times of the Bais HaMikdash. children Yiras hashem, like Har sinai. An entire year. Part Three. Sukkos provides the basis for two big ideas that we need always: joy and Unity. Joy and…
Sukkos (5778/2017)
Joy and unity in five parts: Delivered at Chabad of the Pallisades. Part One. Holy Time: when the time creates the event rather than the event creating the time. Part Two. The unity of the Lulav: there are different types of Jews, but we all, need each other. Part Three. Bracha. Part Four. The unity…
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