7 ADAR 1. The real birthday.
The Rebbe holds (based on some sources) that Moshe was born in a leap year and in the first ADAR.
23 ADAR.
The day the Miluim started (the inauguration of the mishkan) in 2449. Thought One. (5768). Moshe was the kohein. Thought Two. (5770). Moshe erected the Mishkan. Thought Three. (5771). Moshe himself built the Mishkan on this day. This is the initial day of Chinuch for the first “House of G-d”. Thought Four. (5774/2014). Chinuch for…
The sixth month (5775/ 2015).
If five is Yechida, then six must be higher. A short thought. One is unity; Two is division; Three is spiritual unity through Torah; Four is physical Unity; Five is Yechida; And Six is…
Ze Yitnu 5748.
This maamar was recited on the Shabbos of the Rebbetzin’s shiva.It deals with the idea of Machatzis hashekel and also “Techiyas Hameisim”. Class One. Class two.
Ki Sisa 5747.
The half Shekel is a uniform gift given by every Jew emphatically in an increment of a half.
Ki Sisa 5746.
Machatzis Hashekel is a Klalis (all important) idea in Torah, as it is “Lichaper Al Nafshoseichem” (to atone on the Soul). It is different than Teshuva because Teshuva is the complete breaking down of the person, while Machatzis HaShekel and the Aron haKodesh (Torah) are only halving oneself. The idea is not to be broken…
Ki Tisa 5745.
The details of the Parsha of Machatzis Hashekel that are irrelevant beyond Moshe’s time (and beyond the Beis Hamikdash) need analysis. How are they also an eternal lesson? The Rebbe explains the idea that Torah is a Hora’a and a illuminated lesson for us to practice, not only to understand in some spiritual way. The…
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