22. Vikibel Hayehudim 5738
Vikibel Hayehudim 5738 Class One. This class encompasses almost all of the Ma’amar.The idea is that Purim, (one of our lowest points in history,) could be higher and be the conclusion (קיום) of what started at Har Sinai, (the highest point in our history.) The ideas of 1) Personal work (rather than from above) and…
One class summary of Viata Tetzaveh (5779/ 2019)
ואתה תצוה ה’תשנ”ב The point of the מאמר is 1) לקשר ולחבר את ישראל עם אוא”ס and 2) לזון ולפרנס את ישראל בענין האמונה to which the Rebbe adds 3) לזון ולפרנס את האמונה עצמה. The form of the מאמר revolves around three different “משה רבינו”s 1) that gives דעת in good times 2) another…
Hachodesh 5739; Parshas hachodesh Maamar
Class One: This class (the first of two on this Ma’amar) deals with the idea of: לא הי’ צריך להתחיל התורה אלא החודש הזה לכם, ומה טעם פתח בבראשית? משום כח מעשיו הגיד לעמו לתת להם נחלת גויים The Torah doesn’t bring בראשית just to defend a non-Jew’s onslaught, but because the world is where…
Para Aduma 5739
Para Aduma is the חוקת כל התורה כולה. The ideal way for a yid to live is on the level of oneness with Hashem called חקיקה engraved. The aspects of Para Aduma develop this philosophy further: A) Aish and (living) Water are a Keili. When all else is purged and the essence alone remains you’re…
Lo Yichra Vlo Yishtachave- Mordechai didn’t bow
Lo Yichra Vlo Yishtachave The lesson of Purim: Jews are different and they must be proud to be different. (1) Example from the failure of the reform (2) Example from the failing Nationalistic (Zionist) idea.
Megila Nikraas 5739
1) Most Mitzvos aren’t person specific (לא נתת דבריך לשיעורים) except Tzedaka and Torah and… Purim! it has different days for different people, as few as two days and as many as five days, why? 2) The answer: the Megilla is calling שמותיו של הקב”ה like קריאת התורה which calls to Hashem כאדם הקורא לחבירו…
Layahdum Haysa 5739
The story of Purim is about יהודים displaying complete הודאה and מסירת נפש. This caused that at the end of the story: ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר. The achievement of being יהודים gave them a new תורה, שמחה, מילה, and תפילין. Each later idea is higher than the idea before.
17. Ki Tisa/ Shekalim 5739
This standard מחצית השקל מאמר has a typical approach with a completely novel aspect: The typical: no one is whole without another, thus we give half and the other half comes from outside of us. The atypical aspect is that we are commanded to give the “higher” half of Shekel called שקל הקדש the lower…
Overview of Vaata Tetzaveh (Version One).
This is an overview of the ma’amar V’Ata Tetzaveh given by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.¹ A key focus of the ma’amar is the role of a Rebbe and specifically the relationship between a Rebbe and Chassidim in our generation. The original pasuk (line) in the parsha Tetzaveh is “Ve’atah tetsaveh et-beney Yisra’el veyikchu eleycha shemen zayit…
V’Ata Tetzaveh Text Based 5778-2018 in eight classes
V’Ata Tetzaveh Text Based 5778-2018 [Class 1] This class discusses the first question of the Ma’amar why it says Viatta Titzaveh, which is an unusual form. The answer is also given. It is about Moshe connecting Yidden to Hashem. This class includes chapter 11 where the Rebbe explains that the “Viyikchu Ailecha” enhances the Viatta…
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