
18. בלילה ההוא ה’תש”מ.

This מאמר explains the inner dimension of the miracle of Purim “The King (of all King)’s sleep is interrupted” He is still sleeping נדדה but it’s disturbed. The נמשל is that through מסירת נפש the Miracles come directly from עצמות. The idea of ספר הזכרונות and דברי הימים. שינה בנפש האם; בעבודת האדם ולמעלה.

זכור ה’תש”מ.

This מאמר on עמלק explains what עמלק does, he finds weak spots and affects that what is good should be weak enough for קליפה to take hold. He “cuts off the head at the nape (back) of the head”. He cannot fight פנים but he exploits all אחוריים. פנים של נר”נ ופנים של חי’ יחידה,…

Two Adars, sixty days (5774/ 2014).

A leap year has two Adars and sixty days. This the Rebbe explains is the idea of ‘Bittul BiShishim’ where whatever is not ideal is nullified in the sixty days of simcha as the Rebbe explained it in 5752.

(5777/ 2017) ואתה תצוה ה’תשמ”א בלתי מוגה

This one class encompasses the entire unedited version of this מאמר Four points: 1) ואתה תצוה in this case משה is the point: to strengthen אידישע אמונה and internalize it. 2) ויקחו אליך causing an עלי’ה in Moshe, who grows in humility as a result of this new relationship, with another (lower) generation. 3) כתית…

In six Classes (5767)

Class One. Class Two. The Moshe Rabbeinu/Rebbe idea. Class Three. Cont. Moshe Rabbeinu gives Daas. Class Four. Mordechai was a Rebbe. The inner and outer dimensions. Mesiras nefesh reveals the Yechida itself. Class Five. Mordechai cont. After the ness of Purim Mordechai’s role changed: to arouse in Yidden a desperation for Geula that is (also)…

Introduction and Overview of Purim Katan 5752 (5776/ 2016)

Story of Adar 1 5772, and overview of this very important Ma’amar.  

Overview Viatta Titzaveh 12 point Class One.

Overview Viatta Titzaveh 12 point Class One.

New Long Version 5774 in fifteen classes

Class One. The Questions, including the unwritten one. In this case it is not about the message that Moshe gives us, but about the messenger (Moshe) himself. Class Two. 1) Viata Titzaveh (in this case) means to connect Yidden to the Ein Sof, 2) Moshe’s reward: Viyikchu ailecha, he rises to the level of ‘Anochi’…