
Farbrengen 5776/ 2016.

The Rebbe wanted us to 1) want Moshiach, 2) Actually involve ourselves in bringing him practically. The historic context of 27 Adar 1 5752 and the passion about Moshiach the Rebbe succeeded in arousing in the Chassidim.

Farbrengen 5775/ 2015.

“light from the darkness” why we believed and why we continue to believe. what is real faith.

Farbrengen 5774/2014.

Part One. given at Beis Midrash Linashim. Part Two. Given at Beis Rivka seminary.

25 Adar 2 5776.

A thought on the Rebbetzin and the birthday campaign.

25 ADAR 2 (5771).

A short thought. (Given at Beis Midrash Linashim). A Class. (Given at Beis Rivka Seminary). (based on the Rebbe’s Sicha 25 ADAR 5748). What, how and who should this celebration happen.

21 ADAR.

The day the Rebbetzin’s Shloshim ended (in 5748). The Rebbe’s very personal words. Asei Licha rav (the need for a Mashpia).

Hachodesh 5747.

Two levels of revelation: the G-Dliness of the world and the G-Dliness of Torah. Part One. Part Two.